Games & Entertainment Music & Sound Web & Interactive Animation Colorful Flat Design Fullscreen Responsive Design HTML5 Description A holiday calendar for the Google Santa Tracker that reveals a unique experience every day in december up until the 24th. Responsive html games, scenes,...
这个应用程式是由圣诞老人的研发小精灵所设计的,可以用来追踪圣诞老人在圣诞夜当晚的行程,看看他到地球的哪个角落送礼给小朋友. 版本更新: 修复部分bug. 下载地址 Google追踪圣诞老人(Santa Tracker) v4.0.12 安卓版 普通下载地址: itmop本地下载 有问题?不能下载?点此报错告诉我们...
Before Santa takes off on Christmas Eve, his elves have cooked up a countdown timer to keep precise track of his departure. You can play around with his blimp, elf bus, and write messages on a frosty browser window. Once he takes off, follow him around the world as he delivers presents! 可以使用iPhone、iPad或Mac上的网络浏览器,通过访问Google的官方圣诞老人追踪网站来追踪圣诞老人。该网站提供了圣诞老人当前位置的实时地图,他的下一站,他的旅程的实时视频,以及他将到达每个特定地点的估计时间。圣诞老人网站提供圣诞老人已经访问过的地点的图片,已经送达的礼物的实...
Google Santa Tracker functions similarly to aGPStracker where you’ll be able to see where Santa istravelingto anywhere in the world. While waiting for Christmas Eve to arrive, though, the Google Santa Tracker also has some games for people to play. It’s a festive little social app ...
Android»N/A»Google Santa Tracker
Goto Update profile Report link Popularity: Language: english Explore, play and learn with Santa's elves all December longAdvertisement: Improve the SEO and ranking of your website with the free SEO tools from Seobility! Free SEO Check!Reviews...
Google Santa Tracker 现已可追踪来自北极的圣诞老人的旅程 Google 今天推出了一年一度的圣诞老人追踪功能,让人们可以实时追踪圣诞老人前往北极的神话之旅,他准备向世界各地的孩子们送礼物。这是 Google 第 19...
@AH_Eric_Port has discovered you can play most of the minigames in GST with the built-in browser on the Xbox, and we're pretty sure it works for anything that has a browser in it. Subsequently, we've introduced a new 'Console/Other browsers' subsection to the leaderboards. We intended...
Keywords:play online games,track santa,online birthday cards,naughty or nice quiz,the north pole Alexa rank:1604189 Siteadvisor: +0/-0 Mywot Trustworthness:93% Visit site websmithing.comwebsmithing | Home of the Google Map Gps Cell Phone Tracker ...