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clicks the Search button, and waits for Google to display the first page of search results. This is a rather brute-force method of searching, unfortunately, and typically generates a ton of mostly unwanted results.
Extracts the historic word occurrence of a search term in academic papers google-scholaracademia UpdatedFeb 11, 2024 Python Query Google Scholar with Python pythonclipdfbibtexgoogle-scholargscholar UpdatedJan 5, 2024 Python Zotero plugin for fetching number of citations from Google Scholar. ...
importrequests from bs4importBeautifulSoup from tqdmimporttqdm from pybtex.databaseimportBibliographyData,Entry from pybtex.database.inputimportbibteximportpandasaspdimporttimeimportjsonimportrandom defsearch_doi(doi):'''根据doi查论文详细信息'''url=f'https://api.crossref.org/works/{doi}'response=reques...
Google Scholar is a freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines. It provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly articles, theses, books, conference papers, and patents, making it...
They are a very active area of current research, and the more sophisticated algorithms come with their own pitfalls for inexperienced users. Experts in these methods are able to get good results, but in high-parallelism conditions the search space and budget tend to matter a lot more. That ...
Identifying 506 papers in GS was an inefficient process, especially for papers using similar search terms. Conclusions: Has Google Scholar improved enough to be used alone in searching for systematic reviews? No. GS' constantly-changing content, algorithms and database structure make it a poor ...
Despite citation counts from Google Scholar (GS), Web of Science (WoS), and Scopus being widely consulted by researchers and sometimes used in research evaluations, there is no recent or systematic evidence about the differences between them. In response, this paper investigates 2,448,055 citation...
The studies found in the literature search will fit the present systematic review if they contribute to any of these objectives. Therefore, papers whose main contribution was the influence of other economic indices (GDP, unemployment, etc.) or other fields (health, sociology, etc.) were not sel...