实施错误处理机制:在处理RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED错误时,您可以实施错误处理机制,例如重试请求或向用户显示友好的错误消息。 需要注意的是,Google Sheets API的配额限制是为了保护API的稳定性和可靠性,确保公平使用。合理使用API,并根据需要进行优化和调整,可以避免RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED错误...
Google::Apis::RateLimitError: rateLimitExceeded: Quota exceeded for quota group 'AnalyticsDefaultGroup' and limit 'USER-100s' of service 'analyticsreporting.googleapis.com' for consumer 'project_number:189897673084'. File "/home/deploy/sein-dashboard/shared/bundle/ruby/2.4.0/gems/google-api-clien...
Google Analytcis Quota Error: Rate Limit Exceeded 12-09-2016 02:41 AM I'm using PowerBI desktop to publish 2 dashboards to PowerBI Pro online (one is the standard Google Analytics out of the box Google Analytcis content pack, the other has uses approx. 10 Google Analytc...
an Email import “has been locked out due to excessive number of login errors” and also that the Google query failed due to “User-rate limit exceeded”, we believe it is due to API call quotas. It has been determined that Google is now enforcing quotas for API calls. For more informa...
代码原因说明建议采取的措施 403userRateLimitExceeded表示已超出用户速率限制。Google Cloud 控制台中设置的默认值是每个 Google Cloud 项目每个用户每分钟 2,400 次查询。在 Google Cloud 项目的Admin SDK API“配额”页面中提高每位用户限制,或使用指数退避算法减慢您发送请求的速率。
Error:(403) User Rate Limit Exceeded Google Drive has a limitation of maximum requests per second, that is set to 10 max according to Google's API documentation and the (max) value set in the Google Developer Console. According to Google's documentation an application should implement exponenti...
limitExceeded userBroadcastsExceedLimit 用户创建的直播或预定的直播过多,必须停止或删除部分直播。 rateLimitExceeded userRequestsExceedRateLimit 用户在指定时间范围内发送的请求过多。 required (400) privacyStatusRequired liveBroadcast 资源必须指定隐私状态。请参阅有效的 privacyStatus 值。 required (400) schedule...
Rate limit exceeded: The Domain or IP is sending traffic at a suspiciously high rate and temporary rate limits have been put in place. Suspected spam: The traffic is suspected to be spam by Gmail. Email content is possibly spammy: The traffic is suspected to be spammy specifically because of...
google.api_core.exceptions.Forbidden: 403 POST https://translation.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2?prettyPrint=false: User Rate Limit Exceeded 打开上面的网址,得到: { "error": { "code": 403, "message": "The request is missing a valid API key.", ...