Google Cloud Python Client Python idiomatic clients for Google Cloud Platform services. Stability levels The development status classifier on PyPI indicates the current stability of a package. General Availability GA (general availability) indicates that the client library for a particular service is stabl...
ad_manager_client=ad_manager.AdManagerClient(oauth2_client,application_name,network_code=network_code,cache=googleads.common.ZeepServiceProxy.NO_CACHE) Requirements This library only supports Python 3.7+. External Dependencies: - httplib2 -- - oauth2client ...
Python Documentation Reference 這對你有幫助嗎?Send feedback Class UpdateAccessConfigInstanceRequest (1.5.2) bookmark_border Version 1.5.2 keyboard_arrow_down UpdateAccessConfigInstanceRequest( mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs ) A request message for ...
Represents a job that runs custom workloads such as a Docker container or a Python package. A CustomJob can have multiple worker pools and each worker pool can have its own machine and input spec. A CustomJob will be cleaned up once the job enters terminal state (failed or succeeded). Cu...
1、代码示例 View Code 2、账号内存截图 3、作品内存截图 ··· 4、
自即日起,開發人員可透過 Google AI Studio 和 Vertex AI 中的 Gemini API 測試及探索 Gemini 2.0 Flash。 瞭解詳情 尋找活動 參加線上及現場開發人員活動,增進相關知識。 查看事件 提陞技術技能 掌握Google 技術的最新消息,精進技能並掌握新技能。 開始學習 加入社群 無論您處於開發階段的哪個階段...
1 mirrors_googleapis google-auth-library-python-httplib2 google-auth-library-python-httplib2 main...
Here's an example of using the Google Calendar official Python client library: fromgoogleapiclient.discoveryimportbuildfromoauth2clientimportfile,clientcredentials=client.AccessTokenCredentials('ACCESS_TOKEN','USER_AGENT')service=build('calendar','v3',credentials=credentials)calendars=service.calendarList()...
The Google Drive client library lets you access Google Drive services, such as reading and writing files. Gmail The Gmail API gives you flexible, RESTful access to the user's inbox, with a natural interface to threads, messages, labels, drafts, and history. Cloud Datastore Using Cloud ...
CopyJobConfig(**kwargs) Configuration options for copy jobs. All properties in this class are optional. Values which are :data:None-> server defaults. Set properties on the constructed configuration by using the property name as the name of a keyword argument. ...