Google Public DNS有两个DNS地址,分别是8.8.8.8和8.8.4.4, IPv6,地址分别是2001:4860:4860::8888和2001:4860:4860::8844。
Of course, the process of switching your DNS servers to Verisign is the same as assigning any other DNS, but it helps to have guidance if you've never done it before. The company has pledged not to share user data or display ads, and also offers IPv6 public DN...
谷歌公共DNS, DNS 在14年上边年 之前的时候是最好的DNS,没有之一不过现在对于国内用户来说绝对不好用,好多时候ping都ping不通现在我倒是一直在用淘宝的dns不过还挺好用的223.6.6.6
由于学校DNS最近老是出现问题,特地保留了可以使用的Google IPv6地址,并附上Wiki IPv6和OneDrive的反DNS污染方法。文件列表 (预估有个3文件) google-ipv6-host-master hosts 2KB LICENSE 34KB 173B 立即获取 点赞 收藏 分享 ...
阿里公共DNS是阿里巴巴集团推出的DNS递归解析系统,目标是成为国内互联网基础设施的组成部分,面向互联网用户提供“快速”、“稳定”、“智能”的免费DNS递归解析服务。 当然阿里dns也于2019年支持ipv6dns了,IPv6:2400:3200::1和2400:3200:baba::1 三、百度DNS 服务IP为: 百度公共DNS是百度系统部推出的...
testnet0/ipv6-dns testnet0/ipv6-dnsPublic forked fromSean16SYSU/ipv6-dns Notifications Fork0 Star0 starsforks Notifications Code Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights Additional navigation options master 1Branch 0Tags Code This branch is up to date withSean16SYSU/ipv6-dns:master....
In the Search Domain box,click the “+”and then paste (or type) For Google Public DNS IPv4, click “+” and then paste or type in8.8.8.8 and your DNS servers The Google Public DNS IPv6 addresses are as follows: ...
More public DNS servers please refer to Privacy The hosts file just redirects domain to its official IPs. You can check them on any other public DNS servers. There is no absolute privacy on the Internet. Learn to protect yourself. ...
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