但这也会增加成本,因为 Google 根据读取的数据量来收取 Pub/Sub 使用费。 使用Kafka,您可以设置保留期(我认为默认为 7 天),并且无论有多少消费者读取消息,消息都会保留在 Kafka 中。您可以添加一个新的消费者(也称为订阅者),并让它在您需要的任何时候从主题的前面开始消费。您还可以将保留期设置为无限,然后...
您可以创建google云pub/sub kafka连接器的示例。kafka connect服务通常是kafka部署本身的一部分,因此您只...
kafka-connector config src README.md copy_tool.py pom.xml load-test-framework ordering-keys-prober sql-streaming-copier .gitignore .travis.yml CONTRIBUTING.md LICENSE README.md Breadcrumbs pubsub / / Directory actions More options Deprecation Notice ...
For scenarios requiring extremely low-latency, real-time data exchange, and high throughput, other messaging technologies, like Apache Kafka, may be more suitable due to their specialized design for such use cases. Incentivized Verified User AnonymousRead full review Pros Google With a pub/sub ...
Bus 是 knative 内部的事件存储层,用户可以选择自己感兴趣的实现,目前支持的方式有:Stub(在内存中实现的简单消息系统)、Kafka、Google PubSub。如果想要事件能够正常运行,必须在 knative 集群中安装其中一个 bus 实现方式。 有了bus 之后,我们就可以监听外部的事件了。目前支持的事件源有三个:github(比如 merge 事件...
View all product documentation Cloud VPN securely extends your peer network to Google's network through an IPsec VPN tunnel. Traffic is encrypted and travels between the two networks over the public internet. Cloud VPN is useful for low-volume data connections. For additional connection options, se...
Apache Kafka para BigQuery Serviço de transferência de dados do BigQuery Dataproc Dataproc Metastore Dataproc sem servidor Datastream Cloud Data Fusion Conferir mais produtos na página de visão geral Orquestração de dados Cloud Composer Dataform Processamento de dados Dataflow Conferir mais...
Batch and streaming data (e.g., Cloud Dataflow, Cloud Dataproc, Apache Beam, Apache Spark and Hadoop ecosystem, Cloud Pub/Sub, Apache Kafka) Conclusion Don't wait and enroll in these training courses offered by the official vendor that will help you ace the Professional Data Engineer exam wi...