当遇到“google.protobuf.timestamp is not defined”的错误时,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 确认google.protobuf库是否已经安装: 首先,确保你的环境中已经安装了protobuf库。你可以通过运行以下命令来检查是否已安装: bash pip show protobuf 如果没有安装,你可以通过以下命令来安装它: bash pip install prot...
错误"google.protobuf.Timestamp" is not defined. image.png 本质上就是没找到本机protoc目录下protoc\include\google\protobuf\timestamp.proto文件 简单粗暴的将protoc\include\googlegoogle文件夹拷贝过来就好了 protoc下载地址https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/ image.png 当然也可以将google文件...
$makegrpc-go| xsel -ib google/protobuf/timestamp.proto: File not found. user.proto:6:1: Import"google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"was not found or had errors. user.proto:14:3:"google.protobuf.Timestamp"is not defined. user.proto:15:3:"google.protobuf.Timestamp"is not defined.make: *...
proto: Import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto" was not found or had errors. [exec] com/vmware/nsx/management/backup/model/trigger_data.proto:24:5: "google.protobuf.Timestamp" is not defined. [exec] com/vmware/nsx/management/backup/model/trigger_data.proto:25:5: "google.protobuf.Timesta...
网上各种搜索,然后得到结果大概是把存放google.protobuf.Empty的目录路径写在编译命令里,这个protobuf目前也是半懂不懂的,要是全搞明天太花时间了,不扯了说最简单解决方法。 重点is not defined 是没定义的意思,没定义就是在.proto文件头部没有导入。
I tried with Counter example from grpc-dotnet. I am getting the error as "google.protobuf.empty" is not defined even after importing it in the top. `syntax = "proto3"; import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; package count; // The counter service definition. ...
I'm getting ImportError: No module named protobuf from the line from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2 because the google module refers to the AppEngine SDK. This is a well-known issue that's been around for years. Maybe you can bundl...
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; In C#, your generated classes will be placed in a namespace matching the package name if csharp_namespace is not specified. In our example, the csharp_namespace option has been specified to override the default, so the generated code uses a name...
最初的 gRPC C#实现(Grpc.Core nuget 包)将进入维护模式,不会得到任何新功能,只会收到重要的错误...
syntax = "proto3"; package tutorial; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; In C#, your generated classes will be placed in a namespace matching the package name if csharp_namespace is not specified. In our example, the csharp_namespace option has been specified to override the default...