This is how it looks on an uncertified device: What is this all about? In order to use Google Play Services (the most prominent of which is the Google Play Store), smartphone manufacturers must sign a MADA agreement with Google. This agreement places certain restrictions on OEMs; for exampl...
通知栏提醒“此设备未获得Play保护机制认证”,只要关闭google的消息通知就行。或者用下面的方式: 1. 打开pay商店--->安装Device ID(蓝色那个)--->打开并复制GSF码--->打开网址,输入并注册--->打开飞行模式,设置--...
1、【设置-移动网络-流量管理-应用联网】,里面点右上角4个点,选择显示系统程序,然后左上角应用联网有个倒三角,选高级联网管理,把【GooglePlayservice】取消数据和WLAN下的所有权限。 2、【设置-移动网络-流量管理】,下拉看到本月数据流量排行,点右边的更多,搜到【GooglePlayservice】,把应用联网的开关都关闭掉。
Good news for the Android community today: Google has heard our concerns. When we first broke the news that Google wouldbegin blocking Google Play uncertified devices from accessing Google apps and services, there was a lot of confusion about what this would mean for users. At first, it seeme...
· 打开pay商店——安装Device ID(蓝色那个)——打开并复制GSF码——打开网址,输入并注册——
Message in Settings page of the Google Play Store if device is uncertified. I reached out to my own contact in the industry who said this change was a year in the making as Google had provided prior warning to device makers, but my contact was unable to reproduce the issue on their own...
打开pay商店——安装Device ID(蓝色那个)——打开并复制GSF码——打开网址,输入并注册—— 注意事项:如果遇到服务器检索信息时出错、需要登录谷歌账号或者重试等问题,都可以通过切换节点、重启手机、一直点重试来解决,这里看个人的实际情况,我遇到比较长时间的,点了重试上...
打开Device ID,复制"Google Service Framework(GSF)"下面的数据打开浏览器,登录自己Google账号,进入 网站,将数据粘贴进去-注册! 注意:"Google Service Framework(GSF)"数据可能会看不见,或者看见红色的报错,清后台再次打开或者清除应用数据再次打开就能看见了 ...
然后打开Device ID并复制GSF码——打开网址,输入并注册 —— 注意事项:如果遇到服务器检索信息时出错、需要登录谷歌账号或者重试等问题,都可以通过切换节点、重启手机、一直点重试来解决,这里看个人的实际情况,我遇到比较长时间的,点了重试上百次才打开play商店的,小伙伴遇...
1)请先下载Device ID.apk软件。2)打开软件,选择Google Service Framewor(GSF)选项,点击copy(复制)这一行ID号,如图:3)登陆Google设备注册页面:(注册之前请先登录你的google账号)黏贴您上一步的Android ID并点击注册,如图所示:注册完Android ID之后,一般情况下我们的Google Play商店就可以使用了。关闭googleplay保护...