ZOOM Cloud Meetings:线上视频会议应用。由于疫情影响这款应用的需求暴增。 最提升自我应用 Centr, by Chris Hemsworth:一款健身应用,提供付费健身和饮食建议,同时适配HeathKit和Apple Watch。 Intellect: Create a Better You:一款帮助用户克服轻度心理问题的应用,主要形式是插画风格的配图以及心理课程。 Jumprope: How-...
ZOOM Cloud Meetings:疫情期间需求暴增的视频会议服务,最多支持 100 人同时加入视频会议。 Calmaria:Calmaria 一词在葡萄牙语中本身就有安静、平静之意,这也是这款应用的用途 —— 通过应用引导的深呼吸来帮助用户放松。值得一提的是,这款应用的 UI 非常有设计感。 关联阅读:更完善的整理和回顾,「自问自答」的...
✔Zoom Cloud Meetings 您可以在各类平台,如Google Play或App Store等免费下载该应用程式。 没有广告 ✔Google Hangouts ✔Zoom Cloud Meetings 应用程式内的广告容易让人分神,有些也会干扰用户的使用。没有广告的应用程式的界面更美观,用户的使用感觉也会更好。
Zoom上周修补会议产品2项漏洞,包括1个高风险的程序代码执行漏洞,影响ZoomPC机、手机版会议软件Client for Meetings及其他产品。这两个漏洞是由Google安全研究小组Project Zero研究人员Natalie Silvanovich通报。其中CVE-2021-34424为一高风险的缓冲溢出漏洞,CVSS 3.1风险值7.3,攻击者可能导致应用程序或服务宕掉,或...
Zoom Cloud Meetings vs Google Meet In this comparison, we’ll be considering the free variants of both the apps. Now, the free version of Google Meet and the paid ones are the same. On the other hand, Zoom has different pricing tiers. So, the free variant has certain limitations compared...
ZOOM Cloud Meetings:疫情期间需求暴增的视频会议服务,最多支持 100 人同时加入视频会议。 Calmaria:Calmaria 一词在葡萄牙语中本身就有安静、平静之意,这也是这款应用的用途 —— 通过应用引导的深呼吸来帮助用户放松。值得一提的是,这款应用的 UI 非常有设计感。
ZOOM Cloud Meetings by zoom.us Calmaria by ABDZ 年度最具社会贡献应用 GreenChoice: Healthy Grocery Shopping by GreenChoice, PBC Medito by Medito for Mindfulness, Meditation and Sleep ShareTheMeal: Donate to Charity and Solve Hunger by United Nations ...
Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service created by Google. It allows users to store files in the cloud, share files, and edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations with collaborators.This connector is available in the following products and regions:...
Zoom for Intune is for admins to organize and protect BYOD environments with mobile application management (MAM). This app allows admins to protect corporate data while keeping employees connected. Zoom is your communications hub for meetings, webinars, chat and cloud phone. Your users can start...
Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service created by Google. It allows users to store files in the cloud, share files, and edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations with collaborators.This connector is available in the following products and regions:...