web browsing is not available for all countries 其实亚马逊账号注册成哪里无所谓,关键是需要在manage your kindle 页面把kindle的的your country 设成United states,这时提示输入地址电话等信息,可以通过google搜索“us company address”,搜到一些公司地址电话等,填上就行了。
Google的Google Play服务战略是将“安卓应用生态系统”转变为“Google Play生态系统”,让开发人员在Google认可的设备上尽可能轻松地生活,同时也让非Google认证的设备上的开发尽可能困难。 如果你的应用使用了任何Google API,那么当你尝试在Kindle或其他未经Google认证的AOSP设备上运行应用时,就会发现应用程序无法正常使用。
Install Google Photos, one of the best photo apps and services. This is the app I have been using for many years and I really love it. Here is how you can sideload Google Photos to your Kindle Fire: VIA THE PLAY STORE: You can install Google Photos on your Kindle Fire just like ...
Android 平板的全球市场份额达到 62%,这还不包括 Kindle 平板,去年的时候这个数据还是 46%; 42% 的 YouTube 观看来自于 Android; 从去年到今年 Android App 安装量增长率 236%。 关于Android L、Material Design 和 Chrome Polymer 能够使网页动作达到 60 fps; Chrome 移动端每天的活跃用户超过 3 亿; ART 模...
最明显的例子就是Kindle Fire。它运行的是Andorid,但没有Play Store,也没有内置任何Google服务,甚至提都不提Google。亚马逊开发了自己的程序商店,提供自己的内容服务,还有自己的硬件。 这就是Andorid,它是一个平台,任何企业都可以在上面打造自己的东西。
I am running CM9 on my Kindle Fire. As of a few days ago I started getting a message that said, "Google Play Services, which some of your applications rely on, is not supported by your device. Please contact the manufacturer for assistance." I thought it was because I hadn't downloade...
Since it piggybacks on Google Calendar, my theory is that it wants something in the new version of Services. Which I can't run. Any ideas, short of replacing the stock ROM? I heard the latest version of Google Play services (v7.5) integrates well with Fire OS. Look around the ...
非GMS 设备是指未预装Google包括以下应用程序的服务Google邮件,Google地图和Google应用商店。 此设置可能是由于区域限制、制造商选择或自定义操作系统造成的。 Android 设备在以下情况下无法访问 GMS: 发货时未配备 GMS 的设备。 例如,亚马逊 Kindle。 连接到封闭网络且无法与 GMS 通信的设备。
Over two years after Apple, a company not known for its proactive approach to gaming, launched its Game Center service and nearly a year since Amazon launched GameCircle services for its Android-based Kindle lineup, it’s difficult to see Google’s entry as anything but late. From Hartrell...
Google Services Framework-4.0.4-338691.apk Vending.apk ES File Explorer-3.0.5.apk- If You Don't Have Any File Explorer You Can Download One From The Amazon Appstore (I Reccommend Using ES File Explorer, It's The Better One). - Step 2: Then Transfer All Of Them To The Kindle Fire ...