3.1 腾讯 应用宝官网,都搜不到 google play store 三.操作:4:失败:即使安装了也是直接闪退 3.1 直接浏览器搜索:google play store 但是,闪退 三.操作:5:失败:安装gms core服务后 才能运行google play 3.1 设备 HUAWEI CPN-W09 3.1 弄到了google play store.apk安装后,打开有报错,“安装gms core服务后 才能...
Back in 2019,Huawei was banned in the USA. As a result, Huawei cannot use Google Mobile Services on its new smartphones and tablets. So, Huawei launched its new devices without Google Services like Google Play Store, Google Calendar, Gmail, Google Chrome, Google Play Services, Google Drive,...
该平台被称为华为移动服务(Huawei Mobile Services),该平台于2019年12月在v4.0中得到确认。该公司的AppGallery(可替代Google Play商店)长期存在于其手机中,但是除中国以外的用户很少使用它。因此,目标是通过其HMS Core吸引更多的开发人员,HMS Core是免费的注册服务,面向希望将其应用程序带入商店的开发人员,同...
A lot of Huawei users have shown concerns that most Google services including theGoogle Play store,Gmail,YouTube, and many others will stop working on Huawei next generation and the present generation will be sidelined from the available update. The Chinese company is planning its own OS and ap...
Unfortunately, the Huawei Nova 7 and Nova 7 Pro is also one of those Huawei models missing the Google Play Services or GMS. This is because of the ongoing US-China Trade War, where the US government placed the Chinese telecom tech Huawei in its Entity list. Without any proper license, no...
谷歌宣布华为被禁用GMS服务之后,华为随后就表示要投入10亿美元帮助华为开发者建设自己的生态,2019华为开发者大会上,华为向全球开发者和合作伙伴介绍了HMS(HUAWEIMobile Services,即华为终端云服务)生态,即基于HMS核心服务框架(HMS Core & Capabilities)和开发者服务,以华为终端用户体验为中心,由华为应用、服务与第三方应用...
play.google.com/store/a2019.8.12更新:应用商店的“ARCore“应用名称变更为“Google Play Services for AR”,并且作为Google Play Services的一部分。 2、Github网站 google-ar/arcore-android-sdk2019.8.12更新:apk安装文件的名称,现在是Google_Play_Services_for_AR_xxx.apk,以前是ARCore_xxx.apk。 3、华为应用...
华为2018 年 8 月在中国国家知识产权局商标局注册了 “鸿蒙” 商标,并在 2019 年获得批准。还有消息称,华为不久前还在加拿大、西班牙、墨西哥、韩国、澳大利亚、新西兰、秘鲁、土耳其、菲律宾和一些欧洲国家提交了 “HongMeng” 商标申请。 题图:Huawei Mobile Services/YouTube ...
Huawei has also been working onAppGallery, its alternative the Google Play Store, andHuawei Mobile Services, its alternative to Google Play Services. With the recent launch of theHonor View30 Proand the upcoming launch of theHuawei P40 series, Huawei will need to convince potential customers that...
embed "com.huawei.agconnect:agconnect-auth-googlegame:" embed "com.google.android.gms:play-services-auth:{version}" } 说明 示例中的{version}请替换为Google Play Games认证SDK的最新版本号,华为不负责更新。 由于华为未提供Google Play Games认证SDK依赖包,您可以在Google Play Games开放平台下载最...