1. 卸载 Google Play Service 让其恢复出厂版本 2. 加入 Google Play Service 的测试版,借助商店里的 Google Play Service 工具进入应用页面并加入更新,也可以前往 APK Mirror 直接下载测试版。 3.路由器爬梯 4. 线刷固件 APK Mirror 下载 https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/google-inc/google-play-services/googl...
I have a ebay special android radio I need help with I tried logging into my Google account but it wouldn't let me made a new account still wouldn't let me sign in I done research and it said to download a new Google service apk on apk mirror done that now it stuck in the checki...
很有可能是由于安卓系统Web View的版本问题,可在Google Play商店右上角处安装更新Web View[即使此时并...
ThreadHow to install Google Play Service to download apps like Gmail, Facebook, Whatsapp... Hello everyone, I just purchased a new brand Samsung M30s with its incredible 6Go RAM and 6000mA battery :D but the problem is that it comes without Google Play Services : no PlayStore, no Chrom...
目前,在运行 Google Play Service(11.9.51) 的设备上,Tap&Pay 的支付途径还是 Android Pay;但在更新了最新的 Beta 版 Google Play Service(11.9.73) 之后,Android Pay 将被 Google Pay 所取代。 如果你想要提前获取 Google Pay,可以前往 APK Mirror 下载最新的 Google Play Service 11.9.73 测试版。
方法有3第一种1安装谷歌服务框架GoogleServicesFramework.apk2安装谷歌商店谷歌play。apk安装完后不要运行谷歌... 分享15赞 乐phone吧 隆HoshiRyu 【教程】大型游戏玩不了 黑屏闪退的来看有吧友反应大型游戏黑屏闪退老是出错,需要谷歌框架跟商店的游戏有【现代战争4 近地轨道防御2,3】 【超凡蜘蛛侠等】 【地铁...
软件只相信系统软件市场和谷歌play store。过程:you should install- google account manager- google service framework- google play service- google play storeall the apk can find in www。。。apkmirror。。。com**`you should install the apk based on your system api level`**for example, oneplus3 is...
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而通过apk mirror之类安装的框架,则是用的services.googleapis.com。这样导致了路由的GFW列表识别不出而不走梯子。我试了一下在SSP P+的强制走代理加入services.googleapis.cn,同时把加州google的216.58.197.195加入强制走代理WAN IP(,手机上的google play、相册、油土鳖什么的app,都能顺利通过登录...