3.在iOS或Android的Google Home应用中:点“ +添加”- 点“设置设备”- 点“有已设置好的设备?”- 搜索并选择“[beta] Xbox”。 4. 使用已登陆Xbox One上的Microsoft帐户绑定主机与Google Home。 5.设置完毕,使用Google Assistant APP语音控制Xbox One: “Hey Google, play Gears 5 on Xbox.” “Hey Googl...
When controlling your Xbox with Google Assistant, you must use the device name you added during setup. For example, if you named your console ‘Xbox,’ you can use commands like “Hey Google, turn on Xbox,”“Hey Google, turn off Xbox,”“Hey Google, play Gear 5 on Xbox,” and other...
而背後原因,實際上與Google有關。 當初Sarah Bond提及讓玩家可透過Android版Xbox App直接購買遊戲,或是藉由雲端串流方式遊玩遊戲功能,是基於先前美國法院裁定Google違反壟斷,必須向Epic Games在內第三方業者開放Google Play Store平台存取資源,,讓第三方業者可以更容易在Android平台提供軟體市集服務有關。 不過,Google在...
Google推出全新游戏平台,Xbox、PlayStation和PC的竞争对手来了 3月20日,Google在GDC 2019上正式发布的全新游戏平台代表了Google大举进军游戏领域,直接挑战控制台和PC游戏的巨头,该平台被称为Stadia。 前索尼和Xbox执行官以及现任Google游戏老板菲尔·哈里森说“新一代游戏不是一个盒子”。Google Stadia将链接人们玩游戏...
Will this lead to Call of Duty: Mobile, Candy Crush Saga, and Minecraft becoming unavailable from the Google Play Store and the App Store? By Franz Christian IroritaMay 10, 2024 at 5:31 PM ET Xbox president Sarah Bond revealed that the Xbox Mobile Store will launch in 2024, bringing Mic...
早在2015 年,索尼推出了云游戏平台 playstation now;去年10月,微软宣布 xCloud 云游戏项目,表示要将超过 3000 款 Xbox One 的游戏“移动化”,并将于今年开放公测;苹果在刚刚落幕的秋季发布会上也重点推出了其游戏订阅平台Arcade,平台上目前有 100 多个游戏,月租订阅费低至 4.99 美元… ...
更幸运的是,这个项目此后被微软以4.25亿美元收购,成了日后Xbox的基础。Perlman也由此获得了创立OnLive的本钱。 WebTV幸运地被微软以4.25亿美元收购后,更名为MSN TV 不过在OnLive上,Perlman仍未如愿以偿,真到了2010年6月的上线日,跟WebTV一样,OnLive也是叫好不叫座。250万注册用户,只有1600个同时在线,绝大多数...
With the launch of the Xbox Action for the Google Assistant, you can now interact with your Xbox One in even more ways using just your voice, including the ability to turn your console on and off, launch games and apps, play and pause videos, and more, from any Google Assistant and Ho...
Xbox Series X While you may not ever take advantage of it, the option to purchase and play Xbox games directly from the Xbox app is a nice one to have. ByDave Parrack Oct 11, 2024 A Malicious Google Play Store App Stole $70,000: Here's How ...
Example: If I wanted to open Halo Infinite on my Xbox, I would say “Hey Google, play Halo Infinite on Xbox”. Here's a table of the most common Xbox commands. Command How to Set Up Google Assistant on Your Xbox Series X|S