(英文提示为:This Google account is not yet associated with a device. Please access the Play Store app on your device before installing apps. )这是因为电脑或手机缺少google play下载安装应用必备的程序。【解决办法】1、手机上请下载安装应用,然后登录谷歌帐号搜索下载应用,即可解决;2、电脑上需要安装...
Google Play Services may not be supported by your device can happen due to various reasons such as installation of custom ROMs from unknown sources, outdated Android versions, and rooted devices. So, whatever the reason is, we’ve covered every working solution to fix it. How to Fix “Google...
供参考。意思:YouTube不能播放,因你的装置不支援Google Play。
后来找到了问题所在 大家把Google play服务更新卸载下试试 楼主已成功简单说下方法1.退出你的Google账号 (至少我是不退出无法卸载)2.进入设置 应用 找到Google play 服务 卸载更新3.科学上网4.手动检查系统更新 更新注:期间可能会提示你需要更新Google play服务 才能使用各种功能 请不要睬它 等你系统升级到最新的 ...
新人求救!!!能在..新人求救!!!能在应用程序里看到google play,但找不到软件在哪里,怎么办啊,急死了!!!在线等sos我现在用不了google play怎么办啊我现在登陆google账户想下载google paly和以前在play商店下载过的软件,系统就提示我:no eligible device for
在安卓手机上下载 apk 出现: This Google account is not yet associated with a device how to do i connect play store 解决办法: 在手机应用商店下载 google play 应用,然后登录谷歌账号搜索下载,就可
In China, Some devices (not have google play service) shows a dialog at the launch, "Your device does not support Google Play service, so can not run $app name$", but on tap "confirm" , the app can still run. (oppo a57, and some huawei m...
My android is 6.0.1 and I'm not able to download it from play store due "Your device isn't compatible with this version." Edit: I think it's because rainmaker app only supports Android 7.0 and above https://github.com/espressif/esp-rainmaker-android#supports KhushbuShah25 commented Oct...
添加成功后不用管其他了,打开安装好的Google Play,经过一系列简单的设置,发现它能工作了![该方法本人在moto XT319测试通过。刚开始安装device id,总是意外退出。 按照楼主的办法,安装google service后,重新安装device id后,OK。但是手机上运行Google Play,还是显示配置后推出】 ...