在Google 中文网页上显示是“手气不错”,作用是自动登陆 Google 搜索出的第一个网页。现在已经没多少人用了。手气不错(I'm Feeling Lucky,台湾版译做好手气)是谷歌(Google)搜索引擎的一项功能,当用户点击“手气不错”按钮时,会直接打开第一个搜索结果而不是打开搜索结果页面。简介 “手气不错...
因此对于Google而言,越多用户使用了"I'm Feeling Lucky(手气不错)"按钮,那它的收入也就越少。那...
将鼠标置于“I'm Feeling Lucky”之上,其中的文字会随机的上下翻转,然后停止并出现另一种“情绪”。 例如,“I’m Feeling Puzzled(感觉困惑)”、“I’m Feeling Wonderful(感觉美妙)”、"I’m Feeling Playful(感觉好玩)"等等。当正好出现“I’m Feeling Hungry(感觉饿了)”并点击后,Google在搜索结果中结你返...
即google认为最正确的网站,最符合你需求的那个网站。 官方解释: 按下“手气不错™”按钮将自动进...
在Google搜索主页搜索框中输入“Google Gravity”,然后点击搜索框下的“手气不错”或者“I’m Feeling Lucky”(注意,不要点击“Google搜索”或是敲击回车)。然后,你就会看到Google主页的这些文字、搜索框纷纷落下,就像受到了地球引力一 样。你还可以随意拖动窗口,窗口中的文字也会做出相应的动作。
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The article reviews the book "I'm Feeling Lucky: The Confessions of Google Employee Number 59," by Douglas Edwards.SchlichenmeyerTerriEBSCO_bspNorthern Colorado Business Report
Google... I'm really feeling lucky today :) 文章 10/10/2006 Long long ago... when people tried "Failure" in the search box and tried their luck (I'm Feeling lucky), they were directed to President Bush related website... How obvious!!! And they say... history repeats... and...
OK, Google, play [solitaire/tic-tac-toe] OK, Google, I’m feeling lucky OK, Google, spin the wheel Bonus: Google Assistant Easter Eggs Aside from just games, there's a lot you can ask the Assistant if you want to have a laugh or two. It's peppered with Easter eggs back and fort...