求助吧内大佬,我Go..我用魔法成功进入了商店,因游戏要求,还要登录Google play games但是我Google play games登录有问题,这个玩家资料一直加载不出来,这是什么情况
最近谷歌推出了一个PC程序Google Play Games,旨在让用户可以在PC上游玩手机游戏。其实早先谷歌就已经在Windows上推出了测试版本,不过仅限于香港、韩国以及台湾地区。但今天谷歌宣布,将会把这项服务带到更多的国家以及地区,不包括中国大陆。目前 Google Play Games可玩的游戏包括《空军1945》、《Blade Idle》、《Cook...
then hit clear cache. Try Games first, then check to see if the problem is solved. If not, try clearing the Services cache next. Log in toGoogle Play Gamesagain. If it’s still not working, it’s time to move on to the next fix. ...
【持续更新】Goog..下载链接http://www.apkmirror.com/apk/google-inc/google-play-services/google-play-services-7-5-73-1976294-036-android-apk-download/没错,还是apkmirror的详细的介绍看图吧@一汽丰田威乐 加个精
Google Play Games是一款与与苹果iOS平台上的Game Center很相似的平台。在 2021 年的 The Game Awards 上,Google 宣布 Play Games 服务将在 2022 年进入 Windows PC,使 Windows 平板和笔记本电脑,乃至于台式机都可以原生运行 Android 系统上的游戏。2022年1月21日讯,Windows 版 Google Play Games 应用推出测试...
google play game services官方最新版是专为安卓游戏玩家打造的服务工具,可以帮你找到时下世界最热最新最好玩的游戏,用户可以在这里自由的畅玩,并且软件还提供了非常多额外的功能,有需要的朋友赶紧下载试试吧。 软件特色 谷歌官方游戏管理应用,打造了非常不错的成就和排行榜机制 ...
If your device is on automatic and your Google Play Store is still not working, then you should manually set the date and time. You first need to turnSet time automaticallyoff. Then start by entering the date and time with as much accuracy as possible. If this doesn't work, don't wor...
If yourGoogle Play Games app is not working, then follow the solutions mentioned below: Solution 1: Restart the Device Turning off your device and then restarting it again can sometimes fix theGoogle Play Game issues. To restart the phone, follow these steps: ...
Google Pla..nexus中文网之前给您报道过谷歌将提供统一的游戏平台服务,而这个服务就在i/o大会开始前几天在国外泄露了,国外的某科技博客已经拿到了泄露的Google Play Games的APK,之前在MyGla
Case 1: Google Chrome Not Working on Windows/Mac Workaround 1: Stop and Restart Workaround 2: Stop Hardware Acceleration Workaround 3: Clear Cache and Data Workaround 4: Update/Reinstall Google Chrome Workaround 5: Try Firefox/Safari