Google公布新推出的Essentials App,集成Photos、Messages等自有服务访问入口于单一App,并可同步手机和PC,通过内置到HP等合作伙伴PC,将自己的App推向Windows PC。Google 2022年首先宣布将Google Play游戏App内置到Windows PC中,最新的Essentials则是此策略的最新进展。Google说,Essentials让用户在设置新PC时,更容易找到...
This includes apps such as Google Photos, Google Messages, and yes, Google Play Games. This means that instead of users having to seek out the apps individually, they can find it all under the Essentials app. Google has also managed to secure a partnership with HP. This partnership will se...
近日,有媒体报道,Google 正在开发一款名为 Essentials 的新桌面应用,该应用将整合 Google 的多个服务,如信息、照片等,并提供下载其他服务的链接。这款应用旨在为用户提供更加无缝的 Google 服务体验,首批预装 Essentials 应用的 Windows 笔记本电脑将由惠普 (HP) 推出。据 Google 的公告,Essentials 应用允许用户“...
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Bought an HP Tablet with Windows 11. I am unable to download the Google Play Store so I can select apps to download. Local computer repair shop - 9011532
Google’s strategy has always been a web and mobile-first approach where you need aChrome browserto access all apps but that is changing today. You can now install *some Google apps on your Windows PC including Google Play Games. Google hasannouncedGoogle Essentials via its blog. Essentials ...
※日本語から英語への自動翻訳を利用しております。 We use automatic translation from Japanese to English Microsoft's Remote Desktop app (ID: is no longer displayed and available in the Google Play Sto...
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HP Chhromebook 14a(AMD)のGoogle Playストアにて、Microsoft社のRemote Desktopアプリ(ID:が表示されなくなり、利用できなくなりました。 Googleのサポートへ問合せを行ったところRemote...