MANUALLY: You can also install this Google app on your Kindle Fire manually. Here is the download link for the APK file: YouTubeGoogle Play App On Kindle Fire: ChromeWant Chrome on your Kindle Fire? No problem. Here is how you can sideload this Google app to your Kindle Fire:...
第3 步–在 Kindle Fire 平板电脑上使用 Google Play 商店 一旦您安装了所有四个 APK 文件,Google Play 商店应用程序图标将自动出现在您的 Kindle Fire 平板电脑的主屏幕上。 只需点击 Google Play 商店应用程序并使用您的 Gmail 地址和密码登录即可。 最初,您可能会遇到问题并发现 Google Play 商店有问题并且无...
WhatsApp, & many more) are not available in the Amazon Appstore on your Fire tablet. Follow our guide to install the Google Play Store to your Fire 7, Fire HD 8, Fire HD 10, or any other Kindle Fire tablets running Fire OS 5 or higher. If you own a Fire tablet, installing the G... 准备好ES文件管理器。 birdy_pfluo 好奇围观 1 正式开始1. 打开Go谷歌安装器,点击下面标签最后一个,在标签页中点击设置,选择Root授权。2. 回到第一个标签,安装Google全家桶。在安装第三个Google Play服务的时候,会报错(如果没报错请忽视步骤3)。3. 打开ES文件管理器-内部存储...
If you recently bought a Kindle Fire tablet on Amazon, you must have noticed that it does not have Google Play. This, however, does not mean that your Fire tablet cannot support Google Play. The fire tablet OS is quite similar to Android and operates alm
4.PowerOFFKindle Fire andRestartit again for this change to be implemented on your device. Step 2. Download and Install APK Files The next step is to download and Install the APK Files that are required to install Google Play Store on your Kindle Fire device. ...
How to Install Google Play on an Older Kindle Fire If you own an older Amazon tablet or if the steps above don't work for you, then you must root your device before you can install Google Play. You need a Windows PC and a USB cable like the one included with your tablet to do th...
首先,获取ROOT权限是肯定的了,你可以参见Kindle Fire HD 7.4.6 Root。 然后,下载以下软件,Google Service Framework,Google Login Service, andGoogle Play Services. 使用ES File Explorer将这四个软件安装到你的Kindle。 下载Vending.apk和Google Play Store 4.1.10,并通过腾讯手机助手或360手机助手的文件管理工具,...
Step 1: Change Fire Tablet App Installation Permission Step 2: Download Google APK Files On Kindle Fire Step 3: Find Downloaded Files on Amazon Fire Step 4: Install Google Play on Amazon Fire Tablet from APK Step 5: Verify the Android Apps on Amazon Fire ...
One caveat about buying the Kindle Fire HD is that it doesn't come with the Google Play store installed. If you're not keen on investing in Amazon's app market that could be a deal breaker, unless you follow this guide and install it yourself!