近期Google Play 商店频传恶意应用新闻,上周刚报有开发者在应用中植入比特币挖矿代码,或使超百万用户手机过热发烫,数据超量,不经意间沦为开发者的比特币矿工。今天 Google 更新了 Play 商城开发者程序政策(Play Developer Program Policies),以下为主要更新内容汇总: 1)危险产品条款:“开发者程序链接到病毒、蠕虫程...
近期谷歌更新了Google Play开发者政策(PlayDeveloper Program Policies),针对应用商店中的乱象以及第三方流量的不规范做出了政策调整,被广大开发者戏称为“史上最严厉的开发者政策”。 解读这份最新政策,最主要的变化有以下几点: 1、 远离“黄赌毒”,赌博、色情、病毒等应用以及借此吸引眼球的产品将被赶出Google Play; ...
Dear Google Play Team, I am sorry for My account violates the policy requirements. Actually I did not know about Google Play Developer Program policies. Please forgive me to the Multiple violations of the Developer Program Policies. I assure that i will never violate the Google Play Developer P...
Google Play 助您拓展业务、提高应用质量、吸引受众群体并轻松变现。 Firebase 利用此应用开发平台,构建并拓展深受用户喜爱的应用和游戏。 TensorFlow 利用这个端到端平台,在任何环境中轻松构建和部署机器学习模型。 Flutter 只需一套代码,即可构建、测试和部署覆盖 Web、移动、桌面和嵌入端的精美应用。
1. Google Play开发者账号被封邮件内容 This is a notification that your Google Play Publisher account has been terminated. REASON FOR TERMINATION: Prior violations of the Developer Program Policies and Developer Distribution Agreement by this or associated accounts as outlined in previous emails sent to...
iOS 的开发者账号分为两大类:Apple Developer Program 和 Apple Developer Enterprise Program 。 CnPeng 2022/11/07 3.4K0 【Google Play】App Bundle 使用详解 ( 按条件分发 | 国家地区 | SDK 版本 | 设备功能 | 按需分发 | 资源分发 ) appbundlegoogle开发者配置 ...
Provide and manage the information Google needs to ensure that your app is safe for its intended users, is compliant with Google Play Developer Program Policies , and satisfies legal requirements. 1. Open Play Console and go to the App content page (Monitor and improve > Policy and p...
使用Gemini 建構互動式代理程式、運用強大的 API 提升 Android 遊戲效能,並運用 Play 的成長工具擴大電腦遊戲玩家的目標對象。搶先掌握 GDC 最新消息。 訂閱最新資訊 Ladybug 可在 Android Studio 中擴充 Gemini 在推出以來最大規模的更新中,Ladybug 將 Gemini 轉變為新的程式設計好幫手。
Google Play 管理中心 Firebase Console Actions on Google Console Cast SDK Developer Console Chrome Web Store Dashboard Google Home Developer Console Android Chrome Firebase Google Cloud Platform Google AI 所有產品 條款 隱私權 訂閱Google for Developers 電子報 訂閱 ...
This is a notification that your Google Play Publisher account has been terminated. REASON FOR TERMINATION: Prior violations of the Developer Program Policies and Developer Distribution Agreement by this or associated accounts as outlined in previous emails sent to the registered email address(es) of ...