The process below is the Solo process, meaning you're the one in charge of building, then submitting your app to Google Play store. If you'd rather our team to
谷歌账号(Google Account):您需要先登录谷歌账号,以便进行后续操作。 两步验证(Two-Step Verification):在注册过程中,您需要开启两步验证以确保账号安全。请按照谷歌官方指引进行操作。 支付方式:您需要拥有国际通用的信用卡或借记卡(如VISA、MasterCard等)以完成注册过程中的支付环节。二、注册流程 打开Google Play官网...
一、创建Google账号(若已有Google账号,可跳过此步骤) 国内客户若需注册Google账号,必须使用翻墙软件或者海外IP登录 1、登录网站:
1、登录网站: 2、填写相关信息,填写的信息要用拼音,不要用汉字 3、验证手机号,可选择中国手机进行验...
创建Google Play账号 首先需要准备一个Google Play账号,具体申请步骤如下: 1、登录网站:…
You are ready to publish your app on the Google Play Store. Find how to open a Google Play Account using Google Play Console and what's the price of a Google De
Authorize a Google Play developer account ⚠️ Before you start, please be reminded that: The Google Play developer account is an asset created by your company and is not owned by SHOPLINE. Please regularly check your email inbox. If you receive any warnings or notifica...
Do not attempt to register a new developer account. We will not be restoring your account at this time. The Google Play Team 2. Google Play开发者账号被封邮件内容截图 参考一: 参考二: 参考三: 参考四: 参考五: 参考六: 参考七: 3. 解读邮件内容 ...
账号主页: 账号主页 第二步: 付钱($25) 访问: 购买页 勾选协议:Google Play Developer distribution agreement.,点击Continue to payment按钮 填写信用卡信息,支持visamasteramexdiscoverJCB的信用卡。(现在很多银行有网络信用卡,如果你拥...
目前海外应用市场中,Google Play独占鳌头,由于国内安卓市场和App Store的TOP位置已经被各个大厂占的差不多了,作为小公司或独立开发者来说,出海是个非常不错的选择,而在海外发布APP,Google Play是绕不过去的…