skuListToQuery.add("coins_5")// ‘coins_5’ is the product ID that was set in the Play Console.// Here is where we can add more product IDs to query for based on// what was set up in the Play Console. valparams = SkuDetailsParams.newBuilder()params.setSkusList(skuListToQuery).s...
Upload the secret key file to Google Play. Upload the app bundle downloaded from the Tuya Developer Platform to the Google Play Console. Enter a brief description of the app functionality. TheRelease notesfield must be modified. ClickSave. ...
虽然,我的 app 本身不涉及网络访问,及设备信息访问,但是奈何 admob sdk 用到了。 Google Play Console 中的说明 违规:Google Play 用户数据政策中的“数据安全”部分:数据安全表单无效 我们已审核您的应用在 Play 管理中心内的数据安全表单,发现其中所述的应用收集和分享用户数据的做法与实际情况不一致。所有应用的...
Create project identifiers and turn on the Nearby API in the Google Developers Console. Allowed Contexts GoogleApiClient can be bound to: Activity FragmentActivity Parameters client A connected GoogleApiClient for Nearby.MESSAGES_API message A Message to publish for nearby devices to see options A ...
I am following Google's (quite outdated) official guide and so far everything has gone well, up until display of the sign-up UI where the onFailure listener returns an error when I build and run my app: 10: Develope...
Resolved packages are tracked via asset labels by the Android Resolver. They can easily be deleted using theAssets > External Dependency Manager > Android Resolver > Delete Resolved Librariesmenu item. Android Manifest Variable Processing Some AAR files (for example play-services-measurement) contain ...
You can perform very limited testing in debug mode. You must go through the next two steps before being able to test the in-app billing. When you run it the first time make sure it is set as Android Application. 2.3. Adding TestInAppBilling application to Google Play Developer Console ...
The ios app is passing to the server the parameter I´ve already said (acces, refres, id) So I Imagine that I have to pass the same in android, I have acces to the console and I have declared the android app in the same project. ...
General (Editor): Updated the Play Services Resolver from version 1.2.88 to 1.2.91, see the GitHub changelog for details. General (Editor): Fixed the Android "Open in Console" button of the Firebase window (accessible under the Window > Firebase menu option) to correctly open the Firebase ...
Resources Definition - paste the resource data from the Play Games console here. Web client ID - this is the client ID of the linked web app. It is only needed if you have a web-based backend for your game and need a server auth code to be exchanged for an access token by the back...