Google Play Books is a free app for the Google Chrome web browser and Chromebook operating system that allows users to access their Google books from the dock or browser toolbar. Unlike the official Google Books webpage, the Google Play Books app is free from clutter and aims to create a ...
Google Play Books is a free app for the Google Chrome web browser and Chromebook operating system that allows users to access their Google books from the dock or browser toolbar. Unlike the official Google Books webpage, the Google Play Books app is free from clutter and aims to create a ...
包名 标签:谷歌软件杂志app阅读器 需要网络 5.0 0%0% 详情介绍 Google Play图书app是一款有谷歌官方推出的数字阅读软件,也就是我们的谷歌图书APP。通过该软件用户能够在这里找到数百万本电子书,涵盖了各种类型的图书资源,不管是小说、传记、漫画和杂志等内容都有。而且软件支持电脑、平...
1、在设备上,打开Google Play图书 。 2、点按右上角的个人资料照片。 3、点按Play图书设置。 4、选中启用PDF上传旁边的复选框。 5、将PDF或ePub文件下载到您的设备中。 6、打开您的“下载”或“文件”应用。 7、找到相应文件。 8、依次点按“更多”图标 打开方式 Play图书或上传到Play图书。
Google Play Books是由谷歌所打造的一款手机线上数字阅读服务软件,这款软件中所带给大家的相关谷歌图书阅读服务是非常不错的,大家可以来这里自由搜索阅读各种书籍,包含书籍类型也是丰富多样,喜欢什么都可以添加到书架中去。软件介绍 Google Play Books在这里收录了世界各地的图书,支持多种多样的语言,无论大家喜欢看中文...
Important: Campus IDs are currently only supported for participating colleges and universities in the US, Canada, and Australia. To find out if your college or university supports campus IDs with Goog
Google Play Books is an ereader app, letting users read Google ebooks on mobile devices. A Google books search can be performed through Google Play, helping users discover top bestselling ebooks available for purchase, as well as plenty of free Google books for download. Users can download Goo...
Google Play Books是由谷歌所打造的一款手机线上数字阅读服务软件,这款软件中所带给大家的相关谷歌图书阅读服务是非常不错的,大家可以来这里自由搜索阅读各种书籍,包含书籍类型也是丰富多样,喜欢什么都可以添加到书架中去。 软件介绍 Google Play Books在这里收录了世界各地的图书,支持多种多样的语言,无论大家喜欢看中文...
Google Play Books 用户指南(第 7 版)说明书
Not only does it include handy support for copy and paste, there's the tremendously useful unified account sign-in feature which lets you skip typing altogether and instead log in with your Google Account real fast...