Even if you don't want to publish and sell your book on Google Play, you can choose the "Offer a preview on Google Books only" option when setting up your Google publisher account (as we'll see later). This helps if you wish to index your book in Google's library (FYI, this does...
Learn how to publish on Google Play Books in seven simple steps! Includes tips from the Google Play team themselves and bestselling Play authors.
For example, Findaway Voices and Google Play are distribution partners. Once your audio files are created by the narrator, Findaway Voices automatically distributes to all partner stors including Google Play. The general steps to publish an audiobook are listed below. Create an Audiobook on Findaw...
https: //play.google.com/books/publish 一、如何在Google Play上销售电子书 -用户群体与内容管理**:Google Books为用户提供了庞大的读者群体,并提供了一个平台,让 - 多渠道销售:您可以通过Google Play和其他零售商销售您的电子书,且在Google Play上无需支付费用。 - 收益分配:您将获得每笔交易的大部分收入,收...
Google recently updated the Play Books application for Android devices. The newest version of the app makes it possible to upload e-pub or PDF books from the on-device library to the cloud-based library, regardless of where the digital books came from. T
There isn't any relation between the signature and the developer registered in the Google Play. Any developer can publish any APK; the signature is not important.Once the APK was published with a user, only this user can upload new versions of the same application. However, this user may ...
Steps for creating a new app on Google Play Now that you have your app built and ready to launch on Android, it’s time to publish your app to the Google Play Store. Create a Google Developer account If you do not already have a Google Play Developer Account, you will need to registe...
推送Google Play Book 用户将可上传电子书 据外媒报道,谷歌为IOS和Android版的Google Play Book电子书阅读软件推送了更新。更新之后,用户将可以使用该软件阅读来自Play Store之外的EPUB和PDF文件。不过,这次更新最引人注意的一点还是它对云端服务的支持--用户既可以通过网站将电子书上传到Google Play,也可以储存到Google...
Android アプリをユーザーに配布する最も一般的な方法は、Google Play を使用することです。 アプリを初めて Google Play に送信するときは、Google Play Console を通じて送信する必要があります。 以降のバージョンのアプリは、Visual Studio を通じて送信できます。 どちらの場合も、Google ...
首先你必须成为Google的开发者,登录Google Play Console应用管理控台(https://play.google.com/apps/publish/),如下图 选择添加游戏 选择“游戏服务”,点击“添加新游戏”,在弹出的页面中输入游戏服务名称,选择好游戏类型,保存之后就会生成一个游戏服务,如下图: ...