如果用户之前在Google Play上购买了不少SD标清或是HD高清画质的电影,现在打开Google Play电影的app 看看,因为它们现在可能会变成4K超清画质了。谷歌最新推出了这项政策中,只要消费者之前在Google Play上购买的电影现在新提供了4K画质的版本,用户就能获得免费画质升级。当然,享受这项政策需要用户先将app更新至最新版本...
Google 今天宣布 Play Store 开始提供 4K 影片,首发支持国家是美国和加拿大,首批上线的 4K 影片有 125 部,均由 Google 精心挑选。上个月 Google Play Store 开始出现 4K 视频,现在 Google 官方终于支持 4K 内容了。 Play Store 中的 4K 影片运用 VP9 进行编码,能在顺畅串流、低带宽占用的同时带来更清晰的画质。
Google has announced a couple of significant changes to Play Movies & TV that will have a considerable impact on owners of 4K televisions. Starting today, some previously-purchased movies will automatically be upgraded to 4K quality once it's available. The price of newly-purchased 4K content on...
另外OnePlus,Oppo,Realme和Xiaomi也将在移动设备中采用HDR10+,而Onkyo和Pioneer等品牌将在AV接收机中提供支持。 另外,Google Play影视今年将支持HDR10+格式的4K影片内容。不过像迪士尼这样的影业公司不太可能包括在内。UHD OTT的主要发行商Google Play影视将为其影片支持HDR10+格式。到2020年,消费者将能够从主流的影视...
seeing 4K (UHD) content in Google Play Movies, but this wasn't available for everyone and Google didn't list separate prices for the high-res videos. Apparently that was a test rollout of something like that, since the addition of 4K content to Play Movies has only become official today....
As seen in this tweet and many many more, Stadia’s quality is far inferior to the Xbox One X, which can actually play content at 4K60. Stadia’s resolution is far lower, rendering distance is lower, and everything is just blurry and ugly. We hear that disabling HDR helps with quality...
Google has started rolling out 4K content in Google Play Movies, as was promised back when the company announced the Chromecast Ultra.Sort by: v viveksubhash 2TH 21 Nov 2016 korbindallis, 19 Nov 2016its not double as 4K is 4times the resolution of HD so we a... morethat size ...
Certain videos that you purchase in 4K UHD may also be compatible with High Dynamic Range (HDR) playback. HDR allows for images with a wider range of brightness and color. You will automatically receive HDR quality if both the 4K UHD title you have purchased and your TV support HDR. ...
Google 近日宣布,美国以及加拿大的用户可以将在Google Play Movids上购买的电影免费升级为4K片源。除此之外,Google还降低了4K电影的售价。根据,Google Play Mocies & TV产品经理 Ben Serridge表示,一旦好莱坞制片厂出了电影的4K版本,用户就可以得到升级服务或可以购买,即便是用户最初买了标清或高清电影片源,也...
Google Play影视将以HDR10 +提供4K内容 【流媒体网】摘要:据悉,此次展会期间,HDR10+小组称Vizio已成为官方合作伙伴。 Vizio宣布在其2020年电视系列产品将同时支持Dolby Vision与HDR10 +。 在2020年CES美国国际消费电子展上,HDR10 +小组提供了其最新消息。 包括Vizio、Google Play影视、AV1,DisplayPort和众多手机制造商...