在React项目中加载Google Places JS API库,可以按照以下步骤进行: 在React项目中安装react-google-maps库,该库提供了与Google Maps相关的React组件和功能。可以使用以下命令进行安装: 代码语言:txt 复制 npm install react-google-maps 在Google Cloud Console中创建一个项目,并启用Places API。获取到API密钥。...
在上面的代码中,需要将YOUR_API_KEY替换为你自己的Google Maps API密钥。还可以通过libraries属性导入其他Google Maps API库,例如places库用于地点搜索。 以上就是在React中导入Google Maps API JS文件的基本步骤。通过使用react-google-maps库,可以方便地在React应用中集成Google Maps功能,并根据具体需求进行定制和扩展...
在HTML 文件中,然后有一个指向元素的初始化函数——我将如何使用我的 React 组件/JSX 执行此操作?我想我必须导入 api 链接,但我不知道从那里去哪里。 import React from 'react'; import "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=MYKEY&libraries=places&callback=initMap"; const SearchBar = (...
{ apiKey: ('YOUR_API_KEY'), version: '3', // 3.* libraries: ['places'], })(Container); const mapStateToProps = state => ({ origin: state.Trip.origin, destination: state.Trip.destination, route: state.Trip.route, }); const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({ dispatchGoogleMap:...
pnpm install @react-google-maps/api with NPM npm i -S @react-google-maps/api importReactfrom'react'import{GoogleMap,useJsApiLoader}from'@react-google-maps/api'constcontainerStyle={width:'400px',height:'400px',}constcenter={lat:-3.745,lng:-38.523,}functionMyComponent(){const{isLoaded}=use...
Using other libraries of the Maps JavaScript API Besides rendering maps, the Maps JavaScript API has a lot ofadditional librariesfor things like geocoding, routing, the Places API, Street View, and a lot more. These libraries are not loaded by default, which is why this module provides theuse...
npm install react-native-google-places-autocomplete --save or yarn add react-native-google-places-autocomplete Step 2. Get yourGoogle Places API keysand enable "Google Places API Web Service" (NOT Android or iOS) in the console. Billing must be enabled on the account. ...
react-native-google-places iOS/Android Google Places Widgets (Autocomplete Modal) and API Services for React Native AppsNotice: The Google Play Services version of the Places SDK for Android (in Google Play Services 16.0.0) is deprecated as of January 29, 2019, and will be turned off on ...
API uptime 99.998% Our Google Jobs API allows you to scrape SERP results from a Google Jobs search. The API is accessed through the following endpoint: /search?engine=google_jobs.A user may query the following: https://serpapi.com/search?engine=google_jobs utilizing a GET request. Head to...
If you want to learn more, here are a few places you should start: Analytics Academy courses: these courses are a series of short video lessons that explain many of the core concepts of Google Analytics.Course 1andCourse 2are great for getting a high level overview of how the platform wor...