Places API (新版) 和 Places API 採用「即付即用」定價模式。Google 地圖平台 API 和 SDK 是按 SKU 計費。系統會追蹤每個 SKU 的用量,單一 API 或 SDK 可能會有多個產品SKU。費用計算方式如下: SKU 用量 × 每次使用單價 您可以使用定價和用量計算工具估算每個 API 或 SDK 的使用費。針對符合條件的 Google...
:若要使用 Places API,您必须为每个项目启用结算功能,还必须在所有 API 或 SDK 请求中添加API 密钥或 OAuth 令牌。 Places API(新版)和 Places API 采用随用随付定价模式。 Places API(新)和 Places API 请求会生成对多个 SKU 中的任一 SKU 的调用。 除了总的《Google 使用条款》之外,我们还针对 Places AP...
Get started with the Google Maps API Pricing Calculator below. API Services Maps JavaScript API Places API Directions API Geolocation API Other APIs + Estimated Monthly API Cost $0 Free $200 credit for all users per month: -$200 Estimated Total Monthly API Cost $0 Looking for a...
Pricing:Free Free Trial:No Best for:Free, flexible data for do-it-yourself mapping projects OpenStreetMap is a popular free alternative to Google Places API. It’s built and maintained by a community of cartographers, humanitarians, software engineers, and others contributing information about poi...
You can view pricing for all API offerings on theGoogle Maps API pricing page, grouped by API category (Maps, Routes, and Places). Image Source How to Use a Google Maps API on Your Website Once you’ve acquired your API key, how you go about placing a map on your website will depe...
Places includes Google's 150m+ points of interest(POIs) globally and allows your users to obtain local information that is relevant to their search. Local information is key to obtaining the highest conversion rate and conversely the lowest bounce rate, which would see users leave your service to...
Google have launched a new pay as you go pricing plan for Google Maps, Routes and Places (their traditional API). Every time you use any google functionality in your website (maps, reviews, directions, routes, places etc) you access a google api. ...
Geocoding API Places API All APIs Enabled Go back to your store locator and check if the APIs are functioning properly How to Restrict Google Maps API Key for your Website Only To prevent other websites from using your API keys, please do the following: ...
Find Google Places API alternatives. Connect to a reliable 'points of interest' database via an API. Improve user experience and perfect your location search tool.
Use SerpApi's Google Maps Place Results API to scrape addresses, phone numbers, reviews and more for specific places anywhere on Google Maps.