下图中,第一列是合并之后的14个新类型,第二列是Google nearby place request返回的第一层类型。因为Google API的最新更新,地方类型有了增删,总体上差别不大,稍微调整之后可以继续使用。 参考 ^Ermagun, A., Fan, Y., Wolfson, J., Adomavicius, G., and Das, K., 2017. Real-time trip purpose predict...
MapKit offers access to data including the name of the place, location, category, phone number and website 9. Tripadvisor’s Content API With theTripadvisor Content APIyou can access information about travel destinations to use on your website or application. Data is returned in JSON format ...
Supported Api's The following api's are supported. Google Maps Directions (GoogleMaps.Directions) Distance Matrix (GoogleMaps.DistanceMatrix) Elevation (GoogleMaps.Elevation) Geocode Place (GoogleMaps.Geocode.PlaceGeocode) Address (GoogleMaps.Geocode.AddressGeocode) ...
Each location in the Places API database also has a unique Place ID that can be used to find it in either the Google Places API or Google Maps API. There is a slight difference between these two application programming interfaces, which is why they are often used together instead of one ...
public interface ApiInterface { @GET("place/nearbysearch/json?") Call<PlacesPOJO.Root> doPlaces(@Query(value = "type", encoded = true) String type, @Query(value = "location", encoded = true) String location, @Query(value = "name", encoded = true) String name, @Query(value = "open...
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เข้าถึงด้วยการโทรหา const {FuelOptions} = await google.maps.importLibrary("places") ดูห้องสมุดใน Maps JavaScript API พร็อพเพอร์ตี้ fuelPrices ประเภท: Array<...