The Google Pixel XL comes with what the numbers indicate is the same primary camera setup as the Nexus 6P and 5X of last year. That means a 1/2.3" Sony IMX377 12.3MP sensor behind a 26mm-equiv. lens with an f/2.0 aperture. While the aperture is rather modest in a world dominated ...
After dark, the Pixel 9 Pro XL's main camera does a respectable job. It captures good detail without exactly setting standards for definition - shadows in particular can be a little mushy. That's sort of a byproduct of the shadow boost - exposures do look great overall, without gloomy da...
实际流畅度:Pixel XL默认的系统滑动流畅度和动画细腻/炫酷度都无可挑剔,但国内众多app不停后台自启,而且原生系统无法在后台彻底清除这些“毒瘤”,再加上骁龙820本身核心少的劣势,实际安装微博、贴吧、淘宝、京东、UC等应用后,会对机器的流畅度造成明显的影响,甚至不定时会出现卡顿,得常备绿色守护保平安。实际的应用...
Anonymous, 22 May 2023I'm still using the original Pixel XL from 2016. It has the factory battery. Charging fro... moreI'm also using a pixel xl from 2016, however, my battery is on its last leg. Which is amazing how long it's lasted. I tried the Pixel 6a and returned it after...
The Google Pixel and Pixel XL are the first phones to come with Android 7.1 out of the box, which means that they bring the latest in terms of Android features. At the same time, however, the changes that Google made to the Pixel’s software (the aesthetic ones being document...
MORE: Samsung Galaxy S9 review Sound The Google Pixel 2 XL has done away with the 3.5mm headphone jack and opted for USB-C for audio and power, as is becoming the increasingly common choice on Android. An adapter is supplied, which works fine (though, for the record, some third party...
Pixel XL采用5.5英寸2K分辨率的AMOLED屏幕,全白最高亮度在400尼特左右,显示区域变小后可以达到500尼特,默认色温7200K,稍微偏冷,可以覆盖141.9%的sRGB色域,93.9%的NTSC色域。 在接近日常使用的100尼特亮度下,Pixel XL默认模式的104色平均deltaE为5.5,最大12.8 ,表现不是很好。作为对比,iPhone 7是1.6,Note5是1.8,S6...
一、外观 虽然到手已经看了很久,但还是不得不吐槽下pixel的外观设计。前面板第一眼很iphone,但下巴...
分享给朋友 视频简介 Nexus系列终于退出了历史的舞台,正式由Pixel系列接任,本期视频就带大家一起体验Google全新的亲儿子旗舰Pixel XL。 视频点评: 表情 同步到新浪微博 提交 相关视频 科技的尖端!Google Home人工智能评测【搞机啦字幕组】 播放 iOS版Google Assistant体验,花式吊打Siri? 播放 太子有多硬?谷歌...