This article discusses the right to be forgotten. The landmark Google ruling of the European Court of Justice gave this ambiguous right new weight and raised several urgent questions. This article considers what kind of person is presupposed and constructed when somebody invokes their right to be...
In conclusion working at history and at the observation of the patient one formulated the hypothesis the mania represents the expression of a schizoid dissociative state.Trevisi, ManuelaMuzi, AntonioFensore, ClaudioGirardi, Paolopsichiatria e psicoterapia...
Trey IngramChandler AnconaElizabeth Dobbins
H. Unique Mechanisms of Sheng Yu Decoction on Ischemic Stroke Mice Revealed by an Integrated Neurofunctional and TranscriptomeAnalysis. J Tradit Complement Med 3, 240-249 (2013).Hou, Y. C., Lu, C. K. & Wang, Y. H. Unique Mechanisms of Sh...