与其他耳机相比,谷歌(Google) Pixel Buds A-Series的总体评分为 9.6/10 = 强烈推荐。谷歌(Google) Pixel Buds A-Series耳机特点 音质: (100% 评论给与肯定) 价格: (100% 评论给与肯定) 降噪: (0% 评论给与肯定) 耐用: (0% 评论给与肯定) 轻便: (100% 评论给与肯定) 设计: (100% 评论给与...
总之,Google Pixel Buds A-Series耳机因其出色的翻译性能、舒适的外观设计和高品质的声音表现备受用户喜爱。它打破了跨语言交流的壁垒,成为人们跨越语言障碍的得力工具。Google Pixel Buds A-Series耳机带来的优势 Google Pixel Buds A-Series耳机通过实时翻译和语音识别功能的优势,为跨越语言的交流带来了诸多优势。下...
and one that resonated well. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," is very much Google's thinking with the Pixel Buds A-Series. These TWS earbuds look the same, have many of the same features, and cost $
Pixel Buds A-Series 真无线耳机本体比一元硬币略小些、外表有如白色曼陀珠,中央印上代表 Made by Google 品牌的大写「G」字样,走一个极简而典雅的风格,内侧则是采浅灰色,雾面且不容易留下指纹的材质非常加分,配戴起来十分贴合耳道、却又毫无负担,舒适度是小编体验过的前几名(大概只略逊三星最新的 Galaxy Buds ...
Google schnürt aber ein attraktives Gesamtpaket, denn in puncto Haptik, Tragekomfort und Bedienung machen die Buds A-Series eine gute Figur. vor 9 Monaten Google Pixel Buds A-Series review Back to basics 'buds: A or Nay? vor einem Jahr Google Pixel Buds A-Series Truly Wireless Google ...
Pixel Buds A-Series的产品经理张莹洁指出,Pixel Buds A-Series的麦克风会不停侦测背景音量变化来自动调节耳机音量,其耳塞虽能有效阻隔高频声音,但是低中频声音却不易阻隔,于是这款耳机会去模拟耳内音频音量加以调整,于是在不同环境下,能够渐进式且顺畅地调节音量,不会忽大声忽小声。当用户想要直接调整音量大小...
Upon reading the title of this review, you probably imagined that the Pixel Buds A-series don't really sound good. That's not the case though since I mentioned that most people would be happy with the way these earbuds sound. The point I was trying to make was that the key selling po...
3.Review your cart Checkout Learn more about this accessory Quantity 1 Pixel Buds A-Series bring you rich, high-quality sound for a lot less than you’d expect. Their beamforming mics help make your calls crystal clear.* The flush-to-ear design is stylish, and the stabilizer arc keeps ...
5 out of 5 stars review Verified Purchase Already Better than the Pixel Buds 2 So, after gawking at my Google News for months, I thoroughly read reviews and pre-ordered a pair of the new Pixel Buds A-Series. Fast forward to yesterday when they came in the mail. Fir...
Google对我们生活的影响力相信没有人会怀疑,近年Google更投入手机与真无线耳机的开发,就在6月4日,Google的台湾官网无预警公告了将推出真无线耳机Pixel Buds A-Series,这是台湾市场的第一次,值得耳机玩家注目。 Google并不是第一次推出真无线耳机,早在2017年时Google就曾推出过Pixel Buds,不过当时并未在台上市,而...