Like pixel ... moreTrue. Best ask users in the real world how it works. Not youubers, instagrammars or tech site writers. Reply I Imperator Neubaticus fxN 11 May 2023 Don't much care for the design. When it comes to foldable phones, software and UI are what make the ...
Google 谷歌 Nexus 7 平板电脑 更换屏幕 7儿子自打给岳母当斗地主专机后,命运不太好,一次意外使得屏幕摔碎了。在家放着有半年多,一直懒得换。一个屏幕总成要200多,9成新的二手才400多。 最近心血来潮,逛X宝时发现了Neuxs的配件,屏幕总成,188.8包邮!其实我是想买Nexus 6P,想试试原生系统爬梯子的感觉是否流畅...
So we are getting two - way foldable (basically 8 inch phones)... When tech goes further we'd start getting 3-way foldable. So at that point phone would reach 10 inches (when fully unfolded), which IMO would the limit of personal devices... 10-11 inches at the most. You'd still...
neuxs 5 在做工上面在我看来是满意的,虽然比不上苹果机,但是价格摆在那,至少要比国产什么小米的手机要好很多,手感很不错。之前老婆自己入了个小米3,她一拿到手就嫌弃了,那个边框真是不忍直视啊,neuxs5的边框很窄,屏占比做的很好。我就喜欢这种简洁明了的设计。电池一天一冲够用了,楼主上班时候不能携带手机,...
安卓系统要调整:非认证设备不能用谷歌App据The Verge报道称,谷歌将对Android系统进行一项重大调整,简单来说就是,禁止非认证安卓设备运行自家APP 分享6428 android吧 Pixel😘 【11-04水贴】Google Play 团队发给支付宝团队的邮件曝光谷歌方面邮件通知的下架原因是支付宝APP的安卓版本带有升级功能。而按照谷歌最新修改的...