此前,该功能仅供Pixel用户及Google One订阅者独享。 这项名为Magic Editor的AI照片编辑工具,去年首次亮相于Pixel 8和8 Pro。如今,谷歌将这些功能拓展至更早型号的Pixel手机。 谷歌决定将AI照片编辑功能免费提供,以应对市场上日益增多的人工智能编辑工具竞争。 免费开放的功能涵盖Magic Eraser、Photo Unblur和Portrait Li...
Magic Editor, Google’s artificial intelligence-based photo editing tool, has arrived on older smartphones. No longer must users have the latest Google Pixel phones to take advantage of the company’s AI photo features. Magic Editor initially launched as aPixel 8 exclusivefeature. But now...
至于音频橡皮擦、最佳拍摄,以及视频增强等功能目前仍是Pixel 8系列独有,Google并未免费开放这3项功能。上述提到的Photo Unblur、魔术橡皮擦、肖像打光等功能,将自5月中旬开始,在Google相册其中逐步推出。Google会采分阶段发布的方式,无法准确地预知更新在哪一天会抵达你的设备中。(首图来源:截自Google博客)
此前,Magic Eraser(使用 AI 擦除照片中不需要的对象)、Photo Unblur(自动对焦模糊的照片)和 Portrait Light(调整照片上的光源)等照片编辑工具仅在 Google Pixel 8 和 Pixel 8 Pro 上可用,或者作为该公司云存储订阅 Google One 的付费功能提供。 现在,任何拥有 Google Photos 帐户的人都可以免费使用这些工具。好...
据介绍,从今年 5 月 15 日开始,这一系列基于 AI 的图片编辑功能将免费提供给任何用户。不过使用这些功能仍有一个限制条件:每月只能免费使用 10 次,如果想要更多次数则只有两个选择:更换一台 Pixel 手机或订阅 Google One 付费版会员。 “魔法编辑器”起初于去年登陆 Pixel 8 / Pro 系列手机,可通过生成式 AI...
The Pixel 8 brings a new chip with some very capable AI prowess, but the rest of the package is also polished and near Pro level
Previously exclusive to Pixel phones and Google One subscribers, these features will now be accessible to all users from May 15. Google is also offering 10 free edits per month with the Magic Editor, with additional edits available through a premium Google One plan. These upgrades make photo ...
The Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro - what’s new? Here are the latest top features and upgrades that come with the new Google Pixel 8 range. 1. Better camera technology Pixel 8: The Pixel 8 features a high-resolution 108-megapixel main camera, offering exceptional photo quality and great detai...
Google isadding new digital watermarksto photos that have been edited using the company’s Magic Editor. This generative AI feature debuted with theGoogle Pixel 8 seriesand is included in Google’s otherrecent Pixel smartphones. Magic Editor enables photographers to tap on subjects or objects in ...
Google next month will make its latest AI-powered photo editing feature available to all users of Google Photos on iOS, the company has announced. Magic Editor, which featured heavily in last year's Google Pixel 8 series marketing blitz, uses generative AI to perform complicated photo edits, ...