Google Pixel 4a price in Ghana In terms of price for a budgeted smartphone lover, the Pixel 4a can be said to be one of the device that will be a mid-range device and it’s very affordable. According to sources confirmed, the price of Google Pixel 4a device may cost at $399 which ...
and theNommo Awards for Novella, Short Story, and Graphic Novel. Finalists from Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, Senegal, Tanzania, and Sierra Leone highlight the diverse talent in African speculative fiction.
Fanjinshan National Nature Reserve (FNNR) is a biodiversity hotspot in China that is part of a larger, multi-use landscape where farming, grazing, tourism, and other human activities occur. The steep terrain and persistent cloud cover pose challenges to
The change detection maps are classified into four main categories namely very high change, high change, moderate change, low change, and very low change depending on the quantum of changes that occurred in the pixel proportions between the years. Using this change detection map the land use ...