Pixel 6a或不支持Google Camera的Motion Mode 在Pixel 6 和 Pixel 6 Pro 上,Google 引入了名为 Motion Mode 的全新相机模式。在该模式下,用户按下快门按键之后会捕捉多张照片,通过机器学习为背景添加运动模糊效果。不过这项功能将会在即将到来的 Pixel 6a 上缺席。 根据Pixel 6a 的设计,它有望成为 Google 2022...
Pixel相机,原谷歌相机,是Google为旗下品牌手机Pixel开发的内置原生相机应用,能够帮助Pixel手机发挥超级强大的拍摄功能,各类拍摄效果都可以使用Pixel手机实现,功能比肩单反,发挥手机最大的拍照潜能! Pixel相机产品特色 拍出惊艳照片 • HDR+ 搭配曝光和白平衡控制 - 利用 HDR+ 拍摄出惊艳照片,尤其是在弱光或背光环境下...
tips about Motion Mode on the Pixel 6a might be a sign the phone won't support the camera feature. That might be due to theolder camera sensorsthe phone is expected to use, which match what Google included on the Pixel 3-5a, instead of the upgraded setup on the Pixel 6 and 6 Pro....
Google 早前推出了旗舰级「亲生仔」手机Pixel 6 及Pixel 6 Pro,而根据以往Google 推出手机的惯性,都会推出入门级系列手机。近日,就有Pixel 6a 渲染图流出。Google 6a 渲染图流出跟旗舰机一样设有Camera Bar 设计将采用6.2 吋屏幕Pixel 6 系列推出后,问题多多,当中又以屏幕指纹功能备受批评。虽然如此,市场对...
The Pixel 6's rear camera is somewhat of a spiritual successor to the one on the Pixel 5 - it has a 'main', reasonably wide camera, and an ultrawide unit, but no telephoto which is a Pro-exclusive this year. The cameras that it does have, however, the Pixel 6 shares with its mor...
DNGs from Google Pixel 6, 6a, 7a, and 7 Pro don't show the Adobe camera profiles in LR 13.2 and CR 16.2: See this sample Pixel 6 photo: - 14446768
Google itself has revealed some juicy new details about its upcoming Pixel 6 range, though not intentionally. The clever people over at 9to5google.com have managed to digitally dissect the latest version of the Google Camera app, and in doing so they've found that the app ...
【资源】Pixel ..手上的红米从 17 年 7 月一直用到现在,开始一直用 MIUI,后来发现 MIUI10 耗电非常厉害,一天都用不到,于是开始折腾换 ROM,玩过 AEX, RROS, ArrorOS, LOS 和
Other phones tend to group all these options into one generic settings page. On the Pixel 6 Pro's camera app, these settings show up within the context of your shooting mode. For example, if you tap on the settings menu in photo mode, you won't see video frame rate options, because ...
Google's flagship smartphones from 2023, the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro, pack excellent cameras. While you can click some great pictures and record stunning videos with them out of the box, you should change the camera settings below for even better results. 1. Enable Palm Timer The Pixel 8's 1...