对于那些不熟悉自定义 Android 社区的人,ProtonAOSP项目是由 Danny Lin 创建的自定义 ROM,在 XDA 论坛上也称为 kdrag0n。然而,这一次 XDA 成员 Lunarixus、RealOkabe、RallySnow 和 Dollscythe 将基于 Android 12 的 ProtonAOSP 的功能构建引入 Google Pixel 2 XL(通过 XDA)。截至目前,常规 Pixel 2 的...
Improve your Google Pixel 2's battery life, performance, and look by rooting it and installing a custom ROM, kernel, and more.
2017's Google Pixel 2 lineup has received a taste of Android 12, courtesy of an unofficial build of the ProtonAOSP custom ROM. Read on!
LineageOS 17.1 adds support for the Google Pixel 2, Pixel 3a, Pixel 4, Moto G7 Power/Play, and Huawei P20 Lite/P Smart Motorola The team behind the popular LineageOS custom ROM has added official LineageOS 17.1 support for the Google Pixel 3a, Google Pixel 4, and more. ...
Google Pixel 2 ROMs, Kernels, Recoveries, & OtherNew Improve your Google Pixel 2's battery life, performance, and look by rooting it and installing a custom ROM, kernel, and more. 69 7.6K Google Pixel 2 Guides, News, & Discussion ...
Improve your Google Pixel 2 XL's battery life, performance, and look by rooting it and installing a custom ROM, kernel, and more.
LineageOS 17.1 adds support for the Google Pixel 2, Pixel 3a, Pixel 4, Moto G7 Power/Play, and Huawei P20 Lite/P Smart Motorola The team behind the popular LineageOS custom ROM has added official LineageOS 17.1 support for the Google Pixel 3a, Google Pixel 4, and more. ...
谷歌Google Pixel 2(walleye) 原厂固件线刷包解锁救砖:10.0.0 QP1A.190711.020...2vipahjk2024-11-19 14:15 谷歌Google Pixel 2(walleye) 原厂固件线刷包解锁救砖教程:11.0.0 (RP1A.201005.0...vipahjk2024-11-10 15:58 谷歌Google Pixel 2(walleye) OTA固件刷机包11.0.0 (RP1A.201005.004.A1, Dec 2020...
2,续航我装的软件也不多,但是能眼看着电量往下掉,电量在100%的情况下,出门都不敢保证能使用一白天。我看XDA 也有同样的抱怨,再给我一次机会的话,我一定买 XL 128G,因此暂时不用 Pixel 了,等后续系统更新优化了续航再用吧(平心而论换回国产 ROM 以后,那个舒心啊),各位谁有省电的设置心得,麻烦留言告知。3,...
A fully open-source port of the popular Active Edge from the Pixel 2 and Pixel 3 phones has been made available to the custom ROM community.