Next, enter your name and username. Enter and confirm your password. You can optionally add a phone number for your account. Click Next to enter your personal information to create your Google account. Tip:You don’t have to use a Gmail address to create a Google account, instead, you ca...
Multiple accounts may appear. Tap Remove account . Tap Remove account to confirm. Add a Personal / Corporate Email Account
When you have a google apps for business email account, it’s nice to be able to send and receive email from those other accounts directly from your gmail account. Gmail allows a user to retrieve email from up to 5 outside accounts and send email using many other email addresses that ...
. Tap the appropriate email account. Multiple accounts may appear. Tap Remove account . Tap Remove account to confirm. Add a Personal / Corporate Email Account
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) -- Google on Wednesday started to try a new search feature which would enable its web search engine results to integrate information from users' personal email accounts such as Gmail. "Sometimes the best answer to your question isn't available on the public we...
(英文:Manage your Google Account) 进去点-个人信息一栏(英文:Personal Info) 下拉找到email一项,点进去(为了方便理解我切换成了英文语言,因为一般时候你登陆Gmail看到的都是英文界面) 这里最好完善一下自己的信息,账号会更加稳定(下期会讲解如何安全维护谷歌账户) 然后点辅助邮箱,更换成自己的邮箱即可,QQ邮箱或者163...
To create a brand new Google account, you will have to go to the Google Account sign-in page, and from there click Create Account and indicate if it’s for personal or professional use. Next, you will be asked to enter your name and birthday, and to create a Username and password for...
1、打开google账号登陆网址:,打开之后输入google邮箱,点“下一步”,然后再输入Google邮箱登录密码,然后再点“下一步”;如下图所示: 2、登录账号之后,选择“Personal info”,找到“Contact info”下面的“email”点进去;如下图所示: ...
您的请求在Web服务器中没有找到对应的站点! 可能原因: 您没有将此域名或IP绑定到对应站点! 配置文件未生效! 如何解决: 检查是否已经绑定到对应站点,若确认已绑定,请尝试重载Web服务; 检查端口是否正确; 若您使用了CDN产品,请尝试清除CDN缓存; 普通网站访客,请联系网站管理员;...
1、打开google账号登陆网址:,打开之后输入google邮箱,点“下一步”,然后再输入Google邮箱登录密码,然后再点“下一步”;如下图所示: 2、登录账号之后,选择“Personal info”,找到“Contact info”下面的“email”点进去;如下图所示: ...