Person Finder implements the PFIF data model and provides PFIF import and export as well as PFIF Atom feeds. It was initially created by Google volunteers in response to the Haiti earthquake in January 2010, and today contains contributions from many volunteers inside and outside of Google. It ...
Irani, Mahafreed
chartsbuilt from the relationships, hierarchies and organizational structures defined in Google Workspace. Steegle People integrates your Google contacts web app into your employee experience portal to help find where each person fits in the organization and the reporting relationship between the management...
在今天下午日本近海发生强烈地震后不久,Google Person Finder 迅速响应,设立了一个寻人站点,供人们寻找有关日本地震受害者的信息。任何人均可提交相关信息,如寻人启事或者与某人取得联系。目前站点已经收集到 1000 多条相关信息。 Person Finder 是 Google 在 2010 年 1 月海地地震期间开发出的一款工具,目的在于方便人...
谷歌(Google)为四川雅安地震推出寻人服务(Google person finder) 此前Google person finder在波士顿爆炸案中发挥了很 …|基于2个网页 3. 谷歌为此特别推出寻人搜索 谷歌为此特别推出寻人搜索(Google Person Finder),允许用户搜索一个人或提供某人的位置信息。在爆炸后短短几小时内, … ...
Google Person Finder launched to help track loved ones in the Philippines. Embeddable, available in Filipino #phalerts — Google Maps (@googlemaps) August 7, 2012Over a dozen people were killed in floodwaters caused by torrential rains that swept across the Philippine island of ...
美国当地时间4月15日下午2点50分左右,波士顿马拉松比赛终点线附近前后接连发生两起爆炸案,据@王石 报道,目前已造成2人死亡、6人重伤,总体受伤人数超过100人。Google针对此次事件,重启了在日本海啸中帮助很多人找到亲友的Google Person Finder页面,方便人们获知失踪及伤亡信息、同时也方便个人提供亲友失踪及伤亡情况。
Google management is famous for its progressive liberalism and loyalty to the expression and individual characteristics of its employees. Therefore, every office, every workplace, every room is decorated in such a way that a person held captive by corporate foundations, plastic partitions and costumed...
地震发生后不到三天,Google Person Finder 的英语,法语,海地克里奥尔语版相继推出。对比911恐怖袭击 和...
PersonGPT BISH DAN 11.0 Aligned VIOLET TranslatorBot JailBreak Moralizing Rant Mr. Blonde New DAN GPT-4REAL DeltaGPT SWITCH Jedi Mind Trick DAN 9.0 Dev Mode (Compact) OMEGA Coach Bobby Knight LiveGPT DAN Jailbreak Cooper Steve DAN 5.0 Axies OMNI Burple JOHN An Ethereum Developer SEO Prompt ...