FmpSectorPriceEarningRatio The FMP Sector PE Ratio endpoint provides the price-to-earnings (PE) ratio for each sector of the stock market. The PE ratio is a measure of how expensive a stock is relative to its earnings. Investors can use the sector PE ratio to identify sectors that are ove...
"everything is relative?" certainly, when it comes to the price of anything, on some level a determination is made of its relative value. it can be a complicated process combining objective and subjective measures and is often re-assessed in hindsight. that latter part is especially true with...
err.stack:err));/*Output:{"symbol": "AAPL","open": 149.13,"high": 149.87,"low": 147.29,"marketCap": null,"peRatio": 24.34,"yield": 0.62,"cdpScore": "A-","high52week": 182.94,"low52week": 129.04}*/realtimeStock.getStockLastPrice("AAPL").then(data=>console.log(JSON....
“Contrary to widely held beliefs, the world has not yet begun to delever and the global debt to GDP ratio is still growing, breaking new highs,†the report said.Financial Crisis? The Dow Has Already Fallen More Than 1000 Points From The Peak Of The Market The dramatic ...
Each coffee recipe has brief descriptions of brew ratio, water amount, extraction time, and the coffee roaster temperature range. You just have to get coffee bean powder from the roastery and follow the coffee recipes offline to make a perfect decaf for your drink. Enjoy making hot drinks ...
Step 2/2 Therefore, the ratio of gold created during the beta and r process depends on the ratio of the number of neutrons to protons in the star. If the ratio is high, more gold will be produced by the beta process, and if the ratio is low, more gold will be produced by the r...
PascalEmmanuel Gobry
Microsoft’s PE ratio: 14.75 Google’s PE ratio: 22.53 What do those figures mean? That if you valued Microsoft at Google’s ratio of profits to share price, it would be worth some $372 billion (again, very back of the envelope). Even accounting for the cash differential, that would ...
I don’t mind the increasingly higher ratio of personal postings; I’m a big believer in changing the channel if you don’t like the show, so I still read most of the personal ones, but sometimes skip them if time is short or content is just too far from my interests. But lately,...
the large majority of Google’s revenue still comes from Adsense. The product diversification has happened, but the revenue results are lagging. For those of you who understand the stock market, Google trades at a PE Ratio of 12.3, a historic low. This means that investors look at Google as...