*@see{@link https://developers.google.com/pay/api/web/reference/request-objects#PaymentDataRequest|PaymentDataRequest} *@returns{object} PaymentDataRequest fields */ functiongetGooglePaymentDataRequest() { constpaymentDataRequest =Object.assign({}, baseRequest); paymentDataRequest.allowedPaymentMethods=...
近日,微软在上宣布在 Edge 浏览器上推出支付接口(Payment Request API),可以在 Windows 10 电脑版和手机版上同时使用。目前,该接口还只是预览版,而正式版将在明年中的 Windows 10 Creator 更新中可用。官方博客 按照微软官方介绍,此次推出的支付接口仅仅可以接入微软自己的支付方案 Microsoft Wallet;也就是说,...
在网上购物时,其中一种以信用卡进行支付的方式便是使用浏览器内建的支付请求(Payment Request) API,不过鉴于近期不断扩大的安全性威胁,Google已决定暂停Chrome的支付请求API,转换为可交互运作的W3C标准,并由iOS版本率先实行。支付请求API能从Google Pay或Apple Pay等支付服务传输付款资讯,并直接共享用户所纪录的...
<GooglePayButton ref={googleBtn} style={{ borderRadius: '4px', width: '100%', display: isLoading ? 'none' : 'block', }} buttonColor="black" buttonLocale="us" buttonSizeMode="fill" buttonType="buy" environment="TEST" paymentRequest={{ apiVersion: 2, apiVersionMinor: 0, allowedPayme...
Google Pay是一种移动支付解决方案,允许用户使用其Android设备进行线上和线下的支付交易。Google Pay令牌测试条带API支付是指使用Google Pay的令牌测试条带API来进行支付操作。 Google Pay令牌测试条带API支付的流程如下: 用户在支持Google Pay的应用或网站上选择使用Google Pay进行支付。 应用或网站将支付请求发送给服务...
Lock接口方法声明如下: public interface Lock{ void lock(); void lockInterruptibly() thro...
To find out more about Google Pay payment requests, read the Google Pay object reference. Use the details below to set up your request. Endpoints Read our payment sources API reference for a list of all endpoints, as well as complete request and response examples. Request Example { "type":...
Google Pay includes access to Google's payment method vault, allowing customers to quickly and securely make purchases on their Android mobile devices. Businesses can accept Google Pay on multiple browsers, making it quick and easy for customers to buy on both mobile and the web.By...
sdk.StartPayActivityForResult(flag, bean.getAuthCode()); // 通过onActivityResult接收SDK結果 if (requestCode == Config.Payment_RequestCode) { if( resultCode == -1) { JSONObject js = null; try { js = new JSONObject(data.getStringExtra(Config.PaySDK_Result)); ...
verifyPayment(orderId, googlePayOrderId, productId, purchaseToken); } } else if (responseCode == BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.USER_CANCELED) { //取消支付 } else if (responseCode == BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.ITEM_ALREADY_OWNED) { ...