Thus, using PSI, you can improve your site speed, accessibility, and user experience, which will inevitably bump up your SEO score. How to Use the Google PageSpeed Insights Tool? Using Google PageSpeed Insights is pretty straightforward. You just have to enter your page URL in the address ...
将网站的URL粘贴到Page Speed Insights并获得分析结果后,你需要查看红色和黄色警报,以及导致网站运行缓慢的原因。 下面是一些使你的网站运行缓慢的常见问题,以及如何修复这些问题的方法。 常见的问题及其解决方法 1、图像尺寸 每个网站都含有一定数量的图像,以使网站更加人性化、更具吸引力或更加生动有趣。但是,...
The Page Speed Module help you to get a passing grade in Google Page Speed Insight. Description First off, if you haven’t guessed it, this module directly complements Google’s PageSpeed Insights. It’s a great module for giving you feedback on what can be done to optimize your site. ...
To open and use PageSpeed Insights: 1. Open Chrome Developer tools by selecting the Wrench menu at the top-right of your browser window, then select Tools -> Developer tools. 2. In the Chrome Developer Tools pane, click the Page Speed tab to switch to the PageSpeed Insights panel. ...
简单快速易用是 PSI (Page Speed Insights)的优点,然而,对于真正站点级、项目级SEO诊断来讲,它也存在限制,比如:无法设置所模拟的网络环境、无法批量运行、无法检测除速度外其它影响页面、用户体验的SEO因素。 这时,Google Lighthouse就是更好的工具。运行它的方式有两种: ...
第1章:关于Google PageSpeed Insights工具,你需要了解什么? 在这第一章中,我将对PSI TOOL工具做一些解释,如何使用它,以及为什么它很重要。 1.1 什么是Google PageSpeed Insights? PageSpeed Insights是由谷歌在2010年推出的,旨在推动网站的性能优化。 奇怪的是,同年,谷歌还推出了算法更新,使网站速度成为计算机搜索的直...
Justgo to PageSpeed Insights, enter any URL (whether it’s your own or a competitor’s), and click “Analyze.” Then, wait for the tool to analyze the webpage. This may take a few seconds to a minute, depending on the complexity of the page and your internet connection speed. ...
Google PageSpeed and Core Web Vitals are tools used to measure a website's performance and user experience. PageSpeed Insights analyzes a website's speed and provides suggestions on how to improve it. The tool creates a report highlighting areas where th
About Page Speed Insights Besides being an important usability factor for website visitors, page speed can have an impact your SEO ranking results in Google. A slow site will be less likely to show up in the search results. Make sure your site is loading fast enough. If your site loads ...