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Click here for desktop app https://thetodo.net/ \ ◆Sync with Google Tasks It also syncs quickly with Google Tasks and Google Calendar! ◆Narrow down tasks You can display tasks as "today", "tomorrow", "the day after tomorrow", "overdue", and "all"! ◆Sort tasks You can sort by ...
Widgets, Google Desktop can be fitted with any number of little gadgets. These mini apps perform all kinds of functions, from fetching your mail to jotting down notes or checking up on your local weather. There are hundreds of gadgets to choose from to customize your desktop bar. Our person...
Various modes available - "Window mode", "Desktop widget", "Menu bar access" Set the hotkeys yourself Beautiful themes Launch at the system start Show/Open App at the system start NB: An Internet connection is needed to use MyKeep Notes for Google Keep; offline mode not supported. ...
Google Notes (Keep Notes) from Google is a convenient and simple note taking solution. Unfortunately,Google does not provide a client for the desktop / macOS. You have to launch a browser, enter the address keep.google.com and then constantly search for an open window / tab in order to ...
It is possible you have reached this page because: The IP address has changed. The IP address for this domain may have changed recently. Check your DNS settings to verify that the domain is set up correctly. It may take 8-24 hours for DNS changes to propagate. It may be possible to...
Google Chrome Portable New:NAPS2(Feb 24, 2025),Platform 29.5.3(Jun 27, 2024) 1,100+ portable packages, 1.1 billion downloads No Ads!, Pleasedonate today
FeatureSupport levelNotes Multi-touch ✅ Demo: Arcaea Virtual Wifi (VirtWifi) ✅ Bluetooth ❌ (GitHub issue) IPv6 ✅ Loading ipv6.google.com in Fennec F-Droid on a PC with IPv6 access, works well Fingerprint Reader ❌ Test failed on ROG Flow X13, with SATRIA app VPN ❌ ...