Google Maps is making it easier to find out where COVID-19 hotspots are with an update to its app. A new COVID-19 layer in Google Maps shows infection rates around the world and whether those rates are increasing or decreasing. With this new layer, Google Maps gives you easy access to...
Google现要求现场办公人员每周进行一次COVID-19检 CNBC 本周四获得的一份备忘录显示,Google 公司要求任何前往美国办公室或设施的人必须接受 COVID-19 检测,并且检测结果呈阴性。首席卫生官 Karen DeSalvo 在备忘录中说,经常去办公室的员工必须每周接受一次检测,员工被要求报告他们的疫苗接种情况,并在室内戴上医用...
Datasets of daily time-series data related to COVID-19 for over 20,000 distinct locations around the world. - GoogleCloudPlatform/covid-19-open-data
As the COVID-19 spread globally, social distancing, self-isolation/quarantine, and national lockdowns have become crucial to control the pandemic. However, these measures may also lead to increases in social isolation, loneliness, and stress, which can alter the consumption of pornography habits....
The “COVID Layer” in Maps shows how many new confirmed coronavirus cases there have been the last seven days in a specific region using color-coding, with red representing a spike in cases. The tool shows the average of new coronavirus cases per 100,000 people and works in 220 countries...
白宫称将建立网站以提供5亿份COVID免费测试 美总统拜登于当地时间12月21日表示,美国人很快就能从一个政府管理的网站上订购免费的COVID测试。目前,该网站还没有开通。拜登表示,政府正在购买5亿个上门测试以对抗奥密克戎病例的激增。 然而关于这个网站的细节仍旧是模糊的。白宫新闻秘书Jen Psaki表示:“一旦有了更多的...
Google上周检出超2亿封COVID-19垃圾邮件 Google表示,在过去一个星期的时间里,它们一共检测出了多达2.4亿封和COVID-19有关的垃圾邮件,其中1800万封以上涉及网络诈骗和钓鱼软件。与COVID-19有关的垃圾邮件(图片来源:Google Cloud)这其中包含冒充世卫组织,以募捐为借口欺骗用户捐款;也有假扮成政府机构,欺骗...
When asked about the concerns with Google storing vaccination information potentially overseas, Services Australia said use of the COVID Card was optional.
To know about it more, please see the following post from Google: The following actions are affected: Create a contact; Get my contacts; Get my contacts V2; and When a contact changes. To avoid interruptions use the following actions: ...
SAN FRANCISCO, April 3 (Xinhua) -- Google published an early release of COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports on Friday to provide aggregated, anonymized data in response to stay-at-home policies aimed at flattening the pandemic curve. "In Google Maps, we use aggregated, anonymized data showing...