Google Pixel 4a and Nest Audio launched in India for ₹29,999 and ₹6,999 Google Google has launched the Pixel 4a and Nest Audio in India, coming in at ₹29,999 and ₹6,999 respectively. Read on to know more! By Aamir Siddiqui Oct 9, 2020 Google won't bring the Pixel...
The goal, Google says, is to get users to keep these things out in the open as opposed to hiding them out of sight, where they won't relay their signals as well. To that end, the new Nest Wifi Points also come in your choice of three colors (snow, sand or mist), and you c...
citing ‘interoperability issues.’ While existing bulbs already linked to the Philips Hue Bridge will continue to work for now, the system is not currently allowing additional bulbs to be added, and Philipssaysthere are no guarantees that this won’t change in future updates....
User level:Level 1 0 points Google nest won’t play iTunes music anymore Had the google drive for 3 years I gave changed iPhones several times in this years never had a problem getting my Apple Music subscription working on the nest before but it won’t play my music it can’t find ...