又有一群被Google收购的产品要成为孤儿。Google上周宣布将在2024年4月8日终止支持其Nest Secure中央温控及Dropcam摄影机两系列硬件设备,此外,Google也将终止Works with Nest集成计划,影响第三方设备。不少用户对此表达不满。Google在2014年收购以开发温控设备、烟雾警报器的Nest以及联网摄影机企业Dropcam,并将两者整合...
Android Police近日发现,2017年年底推出的Nest Secure智能保全系统,已悄悄从Google Store下架。Nest Secure是个模块化的产品,它由一个嵌有键盘的球型设备Nest Guard、可于家中部署的Nest Detects传感器、可启动或解除安全防线的NFC钥匙圈所组成,用户只要通过Nest移动程序就能收到保全通知,也可通过该程序来撤防,初期...
Meet the Nest Secure Alarm System. Unlike most security systems, Nest Secure is easy to live with every day. Arm and disarm your alarm however you like. If you forget to arm, you can get a Remind Me alert. Nest Detect sensors look out for doors, rooms and ...
所以现在有了Google Nest Learning Thermostat(智能恒温器)、Google Nest Protect(烟雾探测器) 、“Google Nest Secure Alarm System(安全报警系统)、Google Nest Hello(门铃)和Google Nest Cam IQ Outdoor(户外摄像头)。这些名字看上去都有点笨拙和冗长,但是在“Nest x Yale Lock with Google Nest Connect(...
Google is discontinuing its Nest Secure system, which has provided users with a complete security solution for many years. While the product will continue to work for now, the company stated that it's officially discontinuing support on April 8, 2024. Unfortunately, after this date, the product...
Google's Nest Secure alarm system © NestAll-powerful tech giant Google has apologized for forgetting to tell users that it’s Nest Secure home security system had a built-in microphone. Nothing to see here, guys! Google’s Nest Secure system allows users to connect dozens of motion ...
谷歌旗下智能家居品牌Nest出品,白色超粗铜线,缠绕屏蔽,防拉棉线,外皮细,TPE材料软线,充电数据两相宜,原来就是配在Google Nest Guard Secure报警系统上的,如下图,小熊到了线,也到了原装电源,有喜欢的可以单拍线,也可以拍电源和数据线套装,线长2米长,线重49.2克。 这个线到货全有独立的小包装的。 拆了包装后...
Google has confirmed that although the Nest Secure system is no longer available, it will continue to service customers’ existing devices including the Nest Guard, Nest Connect motion sensors, Nest Tags, and Nest Detect door/window sensors. You may even find products still in stock in some pla...
Facing the Nest Secure discontinuation? Explore Abode for seamless Nest Protect alternative. See why Abode is the perfect replacement.
Nest Cam with floodlight is hardwired for continuous power, and designed to replace an exterior light fixture. Keep your data safe and secure. Nest Cam uses encrypted video, two-step verification, and enhanced security through your Google Account to help protect your privacy. And a green LED ...