Nest Hub Max 的正面是一块 10 英寸的高清屏幕,在配置方面,Nest Hub Max 配备了一颗 Nest Cam 摄像头,通过它用户可以进行 Google Duo 视频通话。同时,Nest Hub Max 还将支持手势识别功能,用户可以通过手势来暂停音乐等。Nest Hub Max 还配备了面部识别功能,每个家庭成员都可以在设备上录入面部特征,当其中某一成...
稍早已經在美國開始販售的Google Nest Hub Max(229鎂),是Google 今年新推出的自帶螢幕智慧音箱,也是Google 收購智慧家庭品牌Nest 後的首款智慧音箱產品。從各種方面來看,Nest Hub Max 可以說是前一代Nest Hub (原名Home Hub)的升級版,不僅有原本Nest Hub 的所有功能,還增加了幾項強大的功能及特色,例如有更大的...
Google Home Mini The Verge: 8 If you’ve been wanting a Nest Hub that just does more, the Hub Max is it.[source] Engadget: 8.6 The Google Nest Hub Max is a bigger, better Nest Hub meant more shared and communal spaces.[source]...
Lowest price for Google Nest Hub Max is €248.74. This is currently the cheapest offer among 2 stores. Compare: Google Smart Control Units Features Product Product name Google Nest Hub Max Brand Google Product properties Colour Grey, Black Type of Control Unit Hub Operating System Android, iOS ...
Nest Hub Max with the Google Assistant helps your busy family stay in touch and on track. Leave video messages and make video calls. Check in on home when you are away with the built-in Nest Cam. Share reminders and to-dos. Everyone sees their own calendar, commute, and more with just...
和苹果一样,谷歌也在不遗余力推广智能家居设备,之前在谷歌商店页面偷跑的家庭智能设备Google Nest Hub Max终于在本次的谷歌I/O大会上正式发布了,这款产品本质上是老款Google Home Hub的放大升级款,但现在以Nest系列冠名。Nest Hub Max可以作为一个家庭智能中控设备,控制家里的灯光等。升级的10寸屏幕更适合用来欣赏...
在发布会上,Google带来了一款10英寸屏幕带摄像头智能音箱Nest Hub Max,新增面部匹配功能,售价为299美元。 据悉,Nest Hub Max是将Google Home Max、Nest Camera和Google Home Hub三体合一,可以充当室内安全摄像头,用户能通过Nest Hub Max在手机上实时查看监控视频,还支持面部匹配功能,接受的面部数据只在本地处理,不...
7寸Nest hub黑色2代-国内现货,7寸Nest hub灰色2代-国内现货,7寸Nest hub黑色2代-直邮,7寸Nest hub灰色2代-直邮,10寸Nest hub max灰色-直邮,10寸Nest hub max黑色-直邮含税,Streamer (4K)-陶瓷白-现货,Streamer (4K)灰色-直邮含税 图文详情 本店推荐 Airthings Corentium Home Radon Detector 223氡气检测...
The Nest Hub Max automatically senses and matches more than 16 million combinations of light and color in any room, so the photos you display on the screen blend into your home décor and adjust to the brightness of the room. Check in While You're Out ...
根据The Verge 的报道,Google Nest Hub Max 搭载 10 英寸屏幕,并支持自动白平衡校正。如果是用作电子相册的话,Google Nest Hub Max 除了拥有比 Google Nest Hub 大的屏幕,屏幕也能展示出类似纸质打印照片的效果。 作为Google Assistant 生态下的智能家居产品,Google Nest Hub Max 也能运行跟 Nest Hub 一样的应用...