Nearby Share has been installed on devices running Android 6 and higher, so you won’t install this app. For Windows, you need to download this beta app and install it on your PC. After everything is prepared, you can start data transfer between Android and Windows. See the guide on Ne...
Google 3年前公布Nearby Share作为效法苹果AirDrop的技术,可让Android设备之间无需联网及云计算硬盘,即可发送图片、照片,连接或文件文件。Google表示迄今已经有将近30亿台Android台设备使用过Nearby Share技术。在最新更新中Google将Nearby Share以beta版支持,拓展到全球众多市场的Windows设备。只要在PC下载并安装Nearby ...
Android可与PC互传文件Google Nearby Share电脑版程序推出 Nearby Share让用户可以将文件在Android设备之间互传,作为Google系统之一,此实用功能也同时对应ChromeOS计算机,不过Windows计算机却一直未获支持。去年Google在CES大会宣布会推出Nearby Share的Windows版本,但一直等到今年4月才推出Beta版,而且只限美国用户试用。日前...
Google继2020年推出允许在Android设备互传文件的Nearby Share后,上周再公布可支持Android设备及Windows PC间发送文件。 Google 3年前公布Nearby Share作为效法苹果AirDrop的技术,可让Android设备之间无需联网及云计算硬盘,即可发送图片、照片,连接或文件文件。Google表示迄今已经有将近30亿台Android台设备使用过Nearby Share...
Google has launched a testing version of Nearby Share for Windows that allows users to share files, links, photos, and documents between Android devices
Unfortunately, there is not that much information about Nearby Share for Windows. For now, Google says it is working with Acer, HP, and Intel to bring Nearby Share "to select Windows PCs first later this year". The company does not comment on whether the feature will be available for exis...
值得一提的是,借助 Chromium 浏览器这一「黄金载体」,附近分享功能的适用性未来还将进一步扩展到 Mac、Windows、Linux 和 Chrome OS 平台之上,基于 Chromium 内核的浏览器——无论是老牌的 Chrome 还是来自微软的「新贵」Egde,都能直接借助浏览器内置的 Nearby Share 服务实现与手机的文件传输。
Utilizes Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to discover nearby Bluetooth devices without using significant phone battery, enabling "magical" scenarios based on device proximity. Nearby Presence An extension to Nearby Connections that features an extensible identity model for authentication and restricted visibility,...
值得一提的是,借助 Chromium 浏览器这一「黄金载体」,附近分享功能的适用性未来还将进一步扩展到 Mac、Windows、Linux 和 Chrome OS 平台之上,基于 Chromium 内核的浏览器——无论是老牌的 Chrome 还是来自微软的「新贵」Egde,都能直接借助浏览器内置的 Nearby Share 服务实现与手机的文件传输。