開啟Mac App Store 購買和下載 App。App for Google Music 4+ MinhMobileDev 專為iPad 設計 免費 提供App 內購買項目 螢幕截圖 iPad iPhone 描述 Google Music is a new cloud service for music. You can keep up to 20,000 of your favorite songs in Google Music. With this app you can access to...
Google Music is a new cloud service for music. You can keep up to 20,000 of your favorite songs in Google Music. With this app you can access to all of your Alb…
Google Music Manager Mac版 GoogleMusicManagerMac版是Macos平台上的一款音乐播放器,谷歌音乐管理器允许您将自己电脑上的音乐添加到到谷歌云音乐服务中,内含谷歌两万首音乐库,更加方便您的视听生活;您可以免费下载。 Google Music Manager Mac版是Mac os平台上的一款音乐播放器,谷歌音乐管理器允许您将自己电脑上的音乐...
Google Music is a new cloud service for music. You can keep up to 20,000 of your favorite songs in Google Music. With this app you can access to all of your Alb…
谷歌音乐播放器Mac版 GooglePlayMusicDesktopPlayerMac版是谷歌GooglePlayMusic的Mac桌面端软件,谷歌的很多服务和应用都可以通过web网页端访问,但很多人就是喜欢独立的应用;您可以免费下载。 Google Play Music Desktop Player Mac版是谷歌Google Play Music的Mac 桌面端软件,谷歌的很多服务和应用都可以通过web网页端访问,...
Turn Google Music into a separate, beautiful application compatible with your Mac's media keys and including support for notifications. - GitHub - reake/google-music-mac: Turn Google Music into a separate, beautiful application compatible with your Mac's
开源的谷歌音乐播放器:Google Music for Macjopen 10年前 一个漂亮的OSX应用程序,兼容Mac媒体键,支持消息通知。 项目主页:http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1424580005151相关经验 开源的谷歌音乐播放器:Google Music for Mac 音乐播放器:Music-Player-iPhone 非官方的 Google Play Music 桌面播放器:...
Google Music Manager for Mac谷歌官方音乐上载器 两万首免费空间 最新 | [h1]Google Music Manager for Mac介绍[/h1] Google Music Manager是谷歌音乐服务(也称为google play或play.google.com)的官方音乐上载工 O网页链接 ...
download and install Android apps from Google Play store without a Google Play account or Android phone's internet connection. The tool will give you much convenience on managing your Android phone data like photos, videos, music, contacts, text messages, apps and more files on PC or Mac ...