Google is shutting down its mobile Shopping apps for both iOS and Android and directing users to its web Shopping site instead,9to5 Googlereported. On Friday,Xda Developersdiscovered that the term “sunset” had been added to several strings of code in the Shopping app, suggesting the apps we...
谷歌正在关闭其iOS和Android的移动购物应用,并将用户引导到其网页版Google Shopping网站。上周五,XDA Developers发现,Shopping应用中的几串代码中加入了 "sunset "一词,这表明这些应用正在停用。 谷歌正在关闭其iOS和Android的移动购物应用,并将用户引导到其网页版Google Shopping网站。上周五,XDA Developers发现,Shopping应...
由卖家中心定期更新。但是,这些数据将在创建Google Shopping广告系列时被用到。
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