face-Face Detection <!-- 添加这个,value 填入你用到的功能--><meta-dataandroid:name="com.google.mlkit.vision.DEPENDENCIES"android:value="ica,ocr,face"/><meta-dataandroid:name="flutterEmbedding"android:value="2"/></application> 确保项目级 build.gradle(android/build.gradle)里包google仓库: build...
Breadcrumbs google_ml_kit_flutter / CHANGELOG.mdTop File metadata and controls Preview Code Blame 733 lines (429 loc) · 19.4 KB Raw Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines. 2023-04-19 Changes Packages wit...
Google's ML Kit for Flutter is a set of Flutter plugins that enable Flutter apps to use Google's standalone ML Kit. Features Vision APIs FeaturePluginSource CodeAndroidiOS Barcode Scanning google_mlkit_barcode_scanning ✅ ✅ Face Detection google_mlkit_face_detection ✅ ✅ Image Labeling...
在今天的Flutter Interact上,谷歌描绘展示了Flutter的环境计算愿景,它允许开发者从同一个代码库构建嵌入...
google_mlkit_barcode_scanning 是一个 Flutter 插件,它允许开发者在 Flutter 应用中使用 Google 的 ML Kit 进行条形码扫描。该插件能够读取大多数标准条形码格式的数据,如 QR 码、条形码等。 在Flutter 项目中集成 google_mlkit_barcode_scanning 插件的步骤 添加依赖: 在pubspec.yaml 文件中添加 google_mlkit_barc...
“Code Beautiful UI With Flutter And Material Design” by Mary Via and Will Larche “Build Great Material Design Products Across Platforms” by Jonathan Chung, Nick Butcher, and Will Larche Digital Wellbeing# Announced at the keynote was the new Google Digital Wellbeing site, along with a su...
https://developers.google.com/ml-kit/custom-models ML Kit对象检测自定义模型是一个分类器模型。
Google has released a minor update to their Dart programming language, version 2.1, focused on improving its overall performance. These improvements have been promised to reach Flutter for its upcoming 1.0 release. Expand prevnext Apple Watch Crash Detection credited with saving 55-year-old man who...