摘要:谷歌纪念品商店(Google Merchandise Store)是销售谷歌纪念品的在线网站。2018年10月的Kaggle Featured Prediction Competition使用了2016-2018年Gstore的历史数据集来预测2018/12/01-2019/1/31的客户交易收入(Transaction revenue)。这一网站的经营数据同时可以在Google Analytics中作为demo项目来练手。本文使用Google A...
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If you want to follow along exactly with what I’m doing, connect the Google Analytics Demo Account for the Google Merchandise Store. 3. Authorize the connection and select an account. Next, you’ll be prompted to authorize the connection. Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to select ...
Upload your product data, and millions of shoppers will see your online merchandise and products in the store. Change it at any time so that customers always see relevant information in your ads The plugin allows you to display products in the search results. Create and quickly adjust...
Transaktionsdaten: Informationen zu Transaktionen auf der Website des Google Merchandise Store. Möglichkeiten zur Verwendung des Datasets Weil das Dataset Google Analytics 360-Daten einer E-Commerce-Website enthält, erkennen Sie schnell, welche Vorteile der Export solcher Daten in BigQuery biete...
图片来源:GA Demo Account – Google Merchandise Store 客户开发报表比较简易的说明,主要就是在记录有关于消费者进入网站「流量」的一切大小事,最常看的通常是「来源/媒介」报表,可以一目了然地观察网站流量来源于那些管道,如直接填写网址、Google自然搜寻、关键字广告、Facebook连结、IG连结、LINE@连结或联盟行销连结...
#1 The Google Analytics demo account is your digital sandbox to experiment with real metrics from the Google Merchandise Store. Try it for free and start digging your way to better insights You must log in or register to reply here.